You can set the primary custom branding for your login page, the signup and console pages for your direct partners, and any automated emails sent to them.
You can also manage the branding of each of your programs so that partners see different branding based on which program they are joined to.
Customize the branding of your login page, including its CSS and header and footer HTML. While custom branding is optional, not setting up a custom-branded login page prevents you from having a login link for your partners.
From the left navigation bar, select
[Menu] → Settings.
On the left, under Branding, select Advertiser Login Branding.
Next to the element you want to manage, select
Make your changes. Refer to the table below for help with each setting.
CSS Styles
The contents of this field will be placed into the head section of your branded page within a style tag. Only CSS styles are permitted. Any background images should use absolute URLs with HTTPS protocol (e.g.,
).Header HTML
The HTML code placed here will draw the header of your branded page. All images and links should use HTTPS protocol and be absolute URLs (e.g.,
). No script tags are permitted. Maximum file size of 64 kb.Footer HTML
The HTML code placed here will draw the footer of your website. All images and links should use HTTPS protocol and be absolute URLs (e.g.,
). No script tags are permitted. Maximum file size of 64kb.Login Link
You can preview what your login page will look like by selecting the hyperlink under Login Link.
Note: This setting is only available to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
Select Save.
One of the first pages your direct partners will see is the sign-up page. You can manage the CSS styling of the page, the header and footer of the page, and the links to your promo page and the partner's login page. branding will appear if you do not set up custom branding.
From the left navigation bar select
[Menu] → Settings.
On the left, under Account → Branding, select Sign Up Page.
Next to the element you want to manage, select
Make your changes. Refer to the table below for help with each setting.
Partner Agreement Terms
Select which agreement terms will apply between your brand and your partners:
Use the platform standard Master Program Agreement. Read the agreement, then select
[Unchecked box] I have read and agree to use the platform standard Master Program Agreement.
Use my own custom sign up terms (PDF). You'll need to upload a PDF file containing the agreement for your partners.
CSS Styles
The contents of this field will be placed into the head section of your branded page within a style tag. Only CSS styles are permitted. Any background images should use absolute URLs with HTTPS protocol (e.g.,
).Header HTML
The HTML code placed here will draw the header of your branded page. All images and links should use HTTPS protocol and be absolute URLs (e.g.,
). No script tags are permitted. Maximum file size of 64 kb.Footer HTML
The HTML code placed here will draw the footer of your website. All images and links should use HTTPS protocol and be absolute URLs. No script tags are permitted. Maximum file size of 64 kb.
Promo Page Link
This displays information about each of your programs. Your logo, a short description, the payout rate, and the Apply Now button display on the Promo Page.
Login Link
Give partners access to a URL that leads to your branded login page. Place this URL on your website so that partners can log in to their partner account.
Select Save.
You customize UI branding for your direct partners, including how some UI elements are styled.
From the left navigation bar, select
[Menu] → Settings.
On the left, under Account → Branding, select Partner Console Branding.
Next to the element you want to manage, select
Make your changes. Refer to Styling reference and Media Partner Defaults reference for help with the settings in each section.
Styling Element
Your Logo
Upload a logo that will appear in the top left corner of your direct partner UI.
Your Favicon
Your favicon (favorite icon) appears throughout your direct partner UI, like in the URL address bar. currently only supports ICO images with a maximum size of 16x16 pixels.
Platform Name
Replaces any references to "" with what you enter here.
Primary Button Number
Select a color for the action buttons, or enter your own hex code.
Link Color
Select a color for the links, or enter your own hex codes.
Highlight Color
Select a color for the navigation bars, or enter your own hex code.
Header Background Color
Select a color for the background of the headers, or enter your own hex code.
Header Highlight Color
Select a color for links in the headers, or enter your own hex code.
Partner Console
This URL leads to your branded console. Follow the link to see a preview.
Resource Links
Enter a link to share external information with partners. This will appear in the navigation bar. You can embed dynamic tracking values in this list, like
to track which partner account IDs are selecting this link.Enable Report Access
Toggle whether partners can access reports. If selected, you can specify which reports partners can access and whether these reports show up in the Reports drop-down menu.
Support Email Address
Enter an email address that direct partners can reach out to if they need help.
Custom Logout URL
Enter a URL that partners will be redirected to after logging out. If nothing is entered here, your partner will be redirected to the login page.
Ad Requests
Toggle whether partners can request new ads.
Related Help
Toggle whether partners can see Related Help Content throughout the UI.
Help Center
Toggle whether partners can see the Help Center.
Dashboard Tracking Link Generator
Toggle whether partners can create tracking links on the partner dashboard by using the Create a Link widget.
Dashboard Metrics
Select which metrics will appear on the partner dashboard. You have up to 6 options.
Sale Amount
Conversion Rate
EPC (Earnings Per Click)
Custom Dashboard Widgets
Toggle to allow partners to see selected branded widgets. There are 2 types of widgets:
Left Widgets (Large)
Right Widgets (Small)
Toggle if you want to enforce a standard timezone for all direct partners.
Hide Global Search Icon
Toggle if you want to hide the search icon from the partner UI.
Hide Pending Actions
Toggle if you want to prevent direct partners from seeing pending actions they have generated.
Hide Partner Funds Transfer
Toggle if you want to prevent direct partners from seeing your payment transfers.
Select Save.
Customize how automated partner emails will look.
From the left navigation bar, select
[Menu] → Settings.
On the left, under Account → Branding, select System Emails.
Next to Partner Email Styling, select
Make your changes. Refer to the table below for help.
Theme Color
Enter the hex code for the color you want interactable elements to be. Interactable elements include buttons.
Background Color
Enter the hex code for the color you want your background to be.
Footer HTML
The HTML code placed here will draw the footer of your email. All images and links should use HTTPS protocol and be absolute URLs (e.g.,
). No script tags are permitted. Maximum file size of 64 kb.Reply-To Address
Enter a reply-to email address for all automated emails.
From Name
Enter a sender name for all automated emails.
Partner Email Styling
Preview what your automated emails will look like.
Select Save.