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Set up a Domain for Advocate

Before you begin: You will need assistance from the person who manages your domain to verify ownership and adjust your DNS settings.

Advocate can use root domains or subdomains that you own for your referral program’s share links, microsite, and emails. After a domain has been set up, it’s available for use in any of your programs.

Any full-access team member can add and manage new domains and use them in your program. Program managers can only use domains set up by others.

Step 1: Add the domain

Full-access team members start the process of adding a domain from the Settings page.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. In the Advocate Settings section, select Custom Domains.

  3. Select Add Domain.

  4. Enter the name of the domain you want to set up. Both root domains and subdomains are accepted.

  5. Select one or more domain configurations.

    • Skip this step if you just want to verify that you own the domain. You can return later to configure the domain for email or hosting if you change your mind.

  6. Select Next.

Next, verify that you own the domain and update your DNS records. This step is required before you can start to use the domain for your programs.

Step 2: Update your DNS Records

Ownership verification is required before you can use this domain in your programs.

  1. Follow the on-screen instructions to verify ownership of the domain.

    • To access your DNS settings, you will need assistance from the person who manages your domain.

  2. Update your DNS settings for Hosting authentication, Email authentication, or both.

  3. Select Finish.

  4. 48 hours after updating your DNS settings, return to this screen to check to confirm that setup is complete:

    1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings → Custom Domains.

    2. Locate the domain you added and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] → Edit.

    3. Under Verify connection, select Check Status.

    Important: This step is required before you can start to use your domain. If the setup still isn’t complete after 48 hours, then reach out to our support team for help with troubleshooting.

  5. Select Finish.

Step 3: Use your domain

Full-access team members and program managers can now use this domain for the microsite, emails, or share links. A domain that’s used for your microsite can’t be reused for share links.

As a best practice, we recommend using a root domain for your main website and subdomains for your share links and microsite. While either a root domain or a subdomain is acceptable for emails, many clients prefer using a root domain for better brand recognition.

For a microsite

Important: Domains used for microsites can’t be reused for share links.

Adding a domain to your microsite will replace the default domain.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content.

  2. On the Microsite card, select Edit settings.

  3. Make sure Site Hosting is set to toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggled on].

  4. Under Custom Domain, select your domain from the dropdown list.

    • If you don’t see the domain you expected, then contact a full-access team member to make sure the domain setup process was completed.

  5. Select Save.

For emails

Adding a domain to your emails will replace the default email address.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content.

  2. Select Edit emails on the Emails card to open the editor.

  3. Select the name of the email you want to add the domain to.

  4. Close the menu to view the editing canvas.

  5. Select Edit to the right of the Contact Information heading.

  6. Select your domain from the From address dropdown menu.

  7. Select Save.

For share links

Important: Domains used for share links can’t be reused for microsites. Adding a domain to your share links will replace the default domain when customer advocates send their referral share links.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. In the Advocate Settings section, select General.

  3. In the Tenant Settings section, select your domain from the Primary share link domain dropdown menu.

    • If you want to set up secondary share links too, then contact our support team for more information. Secondary share links allow you to add more domains for other brands in your company.

  4. Select Save.

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