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Search Monitoring Violations for Partners

Search Monitoring violations are notifications from brands alerting you for violating their paid search policy in a specific country and language across search engines. If discovers any partners bidding on a brand’s keywords, automatically creates a violation and can have a violation email sent to you, the partner. These violation notices are found in the Tasks section on your dashboard.

Note: sends two email reminders for violations 24 hours & 8 hours before the due date. Refer to the emails you receive to understand the specific violation and the action you'll need to take.

Action your search monitoring tasks

There are several actions you can take as a partner when dealing with search monitoring violations tasks.

  1. On your dashboard, locate the Tasks section and select View All.

  2. On the Tasks screen, set the SubType filter to Search and then select search-solid.svg [Search].

  3. Select a task.

  4. In the task window, select the caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] at the top-right of the window. Select one of the two following options:

    • Select Start to let the brand know  you’ve begun the task.

      • This option lets the brand know you started working on a violation task. If the task was assigned to “Anyone,” it will now be assigned to you.

    • Select Block to let the brand know you experience a blocker on the task.

      • This option can be selected if there are other factors preventing you from completing this task. Add an attachment and leaving a comment to help the brand identify the blocker.

  5. Optionally, you can add a comment and an attachment to communicate directly with the brand about the task.

  6. Once you have completed the task, select the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] in the Actions column → Complete.

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