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Declined Insertion Orders Report for Partners

View the report

The Declined Insertion Orders Report shows you all of the contracts that have been declined throughout your time with This report will show you the program (formerly know as campaign), contract (formerly known as insertion order), decline date, and the decline reason.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select search-solid.svg [Search], then enter "Declined Insertion Orders."

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the top navigation menu, select search-solid.svg [Search], then enter "Declined Insertion Orders."

  2. Under the Reports column, select Declined Insertion Orders.

  3. From here, you can see information about contracts that have been declined.


    See the program that the declined contract was for.

    Insertion Order

    View the name of the template term that the declined contract followed.

    Decline Date

    See the date that the contract was declined.

    Decline Reason

    View the reason for the contract being declined (if a reason was supplied).


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