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Manage Your Dashboard Widgets

You can add, rearrange, edit, or remove dashboard widgets to show (or hide) all types of information.

Add or remove dashboard widgets

  1. Select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit] in the upper right-hand side of the dashboard menu.

  2. On the Manage Widgets menu, use plus-solid__1_.svg [Add] to add widgets or minus-solid.svg [Remove] to remove widgets. Widgets that are already on your dashboard are outlined with a blue stroke.

  3. Select Apply to make your changes, or select times-solid.svg [Cancel] in the top right corner of the menu to cancel your changes.

Rearrange dashboard widgets

Select and hold the top of the widget you want to move, then drag and drop it to the spot you want.


Edit widget content

  1. Hover over the top right corner of a widget and select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] when it appears.

  2. Select Edit. Use the Edit Widget pop-up menu to change the widget to your preferences.

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