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Customize Popular Products on Your Dashboard

This article covers configuring your Branded Creator Portal and is not relevant to the app. Contact us to learn more.

You can display a curated selection of products on the Dashboard, making these products easily discoverable for creators.

  1. In the upper-right corner, select your <Name> angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down]Admin.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Product catalog and navigate to the Popular products section.

  3. Below Section name, select Edit if you want to rename the section.

  4. Below Tag name, provide the correct tag assigned to the products you want to display on the dashboard.

    • Tags have to be assigned to products when you create a product catalog to add it to your dashboard.

  5. Optionally, toggle-off-solid__1_.svg [Toggle off] if you want to hide this section.

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