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Manage Technical Settings

You can manage advanced settings for your account. If you are unsure about how you want these settings set up, contact support.

Manage technical settings

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the left, under Technical, select any of the technical settings.

  3. Select the setting you want to manage.



    API Access

    Retrieve your Impact REST API details, like your account SID (Security Identifier).

    Data Feeds

    Manage your action feed. You can retrieve reports about new and existing actions linked to your account.

    Event Notification Postbacks

    Manage event notification postbacks. You can synchronize Impact's postback data with a third-party tracker.

    Cross Program Tracking

    Toggle cross-program tracking permissions. This is integral if you have more than one program with and they are directly interacting with each other, such as a particular partner of yours driving traffic to more than one program at a time.

    File FTP Submissions

    View recent FTP file submissions. Check the Status column to find if batch submissions were stored successfully.

    Partner Custom Values

    View all the custom values you've assigned to a partner. Learn how to assign custom tracking values to partners.


    View all your connections for all batch data file transfers between and brands, partners, or other parties. Learn more about connections.

    Tracking Domains

    View your custom domains for tracking your programs.

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