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Manage Existing Rewards

You can manually redeem available rewards on behalf of an Advocate participant, or cancel unredeemed rewards.

Rewards are stored at the account level. This means that if there are multiple participants in the same account, they will share a pool of rewards. Redeeming or canceling a reward from one participant in a shared account's profile will apply to the balance for everyone in the account.

Redeem a reward

Rewards in a participant's account can be marked as redeemed through the platform, through Bulk Reward Redemption, and through the REST API. Marking a reward as redeemed indicates to that the reward has been fulfilled and should no longer be part of the account's available reward balance.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Participants.

  2. Find the participant for which you want to redeem a reward.

  3. Select the participant's name to open their participant profile.

  4. From the Rewards section, hover your cursor over the reward you want to redeem and select Redeem.

  5. Enter the amount of the reward that you would like to redeem. You can redeem part or all of the available rewards.

  6. Select Update.

Cancel an unredeemed reward

In alignment with our event retention policy, reward retraction, and refunds will only be possible if the reward you want to retract/refund is based on an event less than two years old.

Warning: Rewards that have already been redeemed from a participant's account cannot be canceled.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Participants.

  2. Find the participant for which you want to redeem a reward.

  3. Select the participant's name to open their participant profile.

  4. From the Rewards section, hover your cursor over the reward you want to cancel and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]Cancel Reward.

  5. On the popup, select Cancel Reward to confirm that you want to cancel the reward.

Manage a pending reward

Rewards are usually shown as pending only when a pending period was set up during reward configuration. Rewards subject to a pending period automatically become available when the pending period is over.

For clients using our W-9 Compliance feature, rewards may also be put in a pending state due to their tax implications. Rewards that are pending because of W-9 compliance are only made available after the participant is marked as having submitted a W-9 tax form.

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