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Set Up Your Portal's General Settings

This article covers configuring your Branded Creator Portal and is not relevant to the app. Contact us to learn more.

Your Branded Portals's general settings allow you to edit your portal's name, top navigation items, and footer content.

Access general settings

  1. In the upper-right corner, select your <Name> angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down]Admin.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select General settings.

Edit the portal name and top navigation menu

  1. In the Portal name section, select Edit to update the portal name.

    • Your portal's name is displayed as the title in your browser tab.

  2. In the Navigation section, select Edit for the link you want to update.

  3. In the Edit Top Navigation Link window, update the following fields:

    • Link Name: The name that appears in the top navigation menu.

    • Position: Order the navigation link by rank from left to right, with 0 being the leftmost link.

    • Use the toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle] to show or hide the navigation link.

  4. Select Submit.

    • Your top navigation menu should update once you refresh the page.


Add or edit social media links

You can add any social media links to display in the footer of your portal.

  1. In the Social media links section, select plus-circle-solid__1_.svg Add Social Media Link.

  2. Enter the following information:

    • Platform: Enter the social platform's name. The link icon will automatically update according to the platform name.

      • Refer to Supported social platforms to see which links you can add to the footer.

    • Link destination: Enter the URL to the page you want to add.

    • Link Icon: Optionally, add an alternative icon to replace the default social media icon.

      • Ensure you have access to the icon's URL at the web location where it's being hosted.

    • Position: Order the social icons by rank from left to right with 0 being the leftmost link.

    • Status: Use the toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle] to show or hide the social media link.

  3. Select Create.

    • Your social platform will be added to the footer of your portal.

    • Select Edit to edit your social media link's position or status.

    Supported social platforms

    The following social platforms are supported and can be added to the footer:

    • Facebook

    • Twitter

    • Instagram

    • Pinterest

    • YouTube

    • Google Plus

    • TikTok

    • Twitch

    • Snapchat

Edit the portal footer

The portal footer displays your copyright text, social media links, privacy policy, and more.

  1. In the Portal footer section, select Edit to update your copyright or social icons link text.

  2. In the Footer links section, select Edit for the link you want to update.

  3. In the Edit Footer Link window, update the following fields:

    • Link Name: Enter the footer link name.

    • Link destination: Enter the URL of the page to which you want to link.

    • Link Icon: Optionally, add an icon to the footer link.

      • Ensure you have access to the icon's URL at the web location where it's being hosted.

    • Position: Order the footer links by rank from left to right with 0 being the leftmost link.

    • Status: Use the toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle] to show or hide the footer link.

  4. Select Submit.

    • Your footer should update once you refresh the page.


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