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Redeem Rewards in Bulk

Rewards are typically redeemed through one of your integrations with Advocate. If you need to manually fulfill rewards in an external system, then you can use this bulk reward redemption process to update the available reward balances for your participants.


This process will not issue specific rewards—like credit, gift cards, or coupon codes—to participants. Instead, it updates your records to accurately display participants’ reward balances after you’ve redeemed rewards through another system.

Step 1: Download an Available reward balances by user report

This report lists all participants with available reward balances across each program. You can use this report to manually fulfill rewards in an external system.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Reporting → Imports & Exports.

  2. Select Create Report.

  3. Under Choose a report type, select Available reward balances by user.

  4. [Optional] Select a specific reward unit to narrow down the list of participants. This can be useful if you want to restrict the generated report to one specific reward unit that’s been paid out through an external service.

  5. Select the report format (.CSV or Excel).

  6. Select Create Report.

A link to the generated report will be sent to the email address associated with this account.

Step 2: Update the report

After manually fulfilling rewards in your external system you will need to update the available reward balances by user report. This will allow Advocate to know which participants have had their rewards fulfilled.

  1. Using a spreadsheet application, open the available reward balances by user report.

  2. For each participant you have manually fulfilled a reward for, update the valueToRedeem column. Only positive numbers are accepted.

  3. Save the report in .CSV format.

Redemption Notes

  • Reward balances need to be redeemed in the same units (e.g. CENTS or CASH/USD) that the balance is shown in (i.e. Dollars cannot be redeemed in amounts of cents).

  • Only changes to the valueToRedeem field will be processed during an import.

  • Individual rewards within a reward balance will be redeemed in order of when they expire (dateExpires), and then when they were made available to the participant (dateGiven).

  • Only rewards with a status of AVAILABLE will be redeemed.

  • Fractions of the fractional unit will be truncated on redemption (e.g. redemption for "10.556 USD" will only redeem "10.55 USD").

Step 3: Upload the updated report

Finally, you’ll need to upload your available reward balances by user report with current reward balances back into Advocate.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Reporting → Imports & Exports.

  2. Select download-solid.svg Import.

  3. Under Import Type, select Update User Reward Balances.

  4. To add your updated report, select Select File.

  5. Select Start Import.

When the import completes, a confirmation email is sent. Imports may take up to 30 minutes, depending on queue and file size.

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