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Set Up a Fuel Tank Reward

The Fuel Tank feature is a streamlined way of handing out rewards using unique coupon codes. Your program participants can redeem these codes for rewards, including discounts, credits and other reward types. For more information, see Fuel Tank Rewards Explained.

Create a Fuel Tank reward

Fuel Tank rewards can be set up as program-specific rewards or as rewards that can be reused across multiple programs. We recommend setting up a reusable reward in the Reward Catalog.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Rewards → Catalog.

  2. Select Create Reward.

  3. Name the reward.

  4. Select the Fuel Tank reward type.

  5. Use the fueltank type dropdown list to choose a discount or credit reward.

  6. Set a discount percent, or credit amount and reward unit.

  7. Choose whether the Fuel Tank reward is Verified access or Instant access.

    Advocate - Rewards - Access Type
  8. Select Create reward.

Add coupon codes

Note: An example import .CSV file for Fuel Tank reward coupon codes is available to download here.

For Fuel Tank rewards to work, you'll need to supply unique coupon codes. You can generate the codes with many ecommerce platforms, or create them yourself as follows:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Rewards → Code Manager.

  2. On the Code Manager screen, hover over the Fuel Tank reward for which you want to upload coupon codes, and select Upload Codes.

  3. Select Choose a file... and upload a file from your device containing your unique coupon codes.

    • recommends editing a copy of this downloadable sample .CSV file as a starting point, although you can also upload your own .xlsx, .ods, .tsv, or .txt file (newline-separated only).

  4. Your file should abide by the following guidelines:

    • All codes you want to import should be in the same column and be the only contents of that column.

    • Each code may contain up to 64 characters. Any combinations of these characters are allowed:

      • Capital and lowercase letters A-Z

      • Numbers 0-9

      • Hyphen ( - )

      • Underscore ( _ )

  5. If your file has multiple columns, you can Select a data column in the righthand panel to indicate which column contains your coupon codes.

    • View the preview to see which coupon codes the system deems invalid, if any.

  6. In the lefthand panel, select weather you want the coupon codes in your file to Replace any pre-existing codes, or whether you'd like to Add them to any pre-existing codes.

  7. Select Upload.

    • Optionally, select View Codes to manage coupon codes.

Manage uploaded coupon codes

  1. Once you've uploaded your coupon codes, select View Codes in the pop-up modal.

    • This will take you to the View Codes screen.

  2. Below the page title, you can Search for a specific coupon code by name or use the drop-down menus to filter for codes by program or their status (i.e., whether the codes have been used yet or not).

  3. To delete unwanted codes, select the square-regular.svg [Unchecked box] in the relevant rows and then Delete.


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