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Credit Groups Explained

Credit Groups are a component of an Optimize Channel. They are configured when you create an Optimize Channel and can be updated when you edit an Optimize Channel.

Your channel's Credit Group will set where this channel lands in the "hierarchy" of your channels, and the Credit Group you assign to an Optimize Channel may affect payout decisions for your partners. Setting the credit group for a channel is ultimately your decision, but does have recommendations for how to set them. Refer to the table below for a description of each credit group as well as's recommendation. Be sure to select Save after making your selection.

Credit Group options

This feature is only available with the Optimize add-on. Click here to get the add-on!

The following credit group descriptions are applicable if your program is configured to leverage last-click crediting for all conversion events. If you are using any form of advanced crediting logic or you are not sure, please reach out to support for assistance.

Credit Group




Preferred channels will be credited for driving an action when that channel is the last click of all preferred channels or partners participating in the customer journey.

Select this option if you want this channel to be credited with driving an action over other channels lower in the hierarchy if it was involved in driving an action.


Standard channels will be credited for driving an action when that channel is the last click of all standard channels or partners participating in the customer journey, provided no preferred channels or partners participated in the same customer journey.

Select this option if you want this channel to be credited with driving an action if no Preferred channels were involved in driving an action.


Non-preferred channels will be credited for driving an action when that channel is the last click of all non-preferred channels or partners participating in the customer journey, provided no preferred or standard channels or partners participated in the same customer journey.

Select this option if you want this channel to be last in line for being credited for driving an action. If any Preferred or Standard channels were involved in driving the action, they will be credited over channels with this Credit Group.

Review your active Credit Groups

  1. From the left navigation menu, select optimize-icon__v4346847.svg Optimize → Settings.

  2. Select Channels.


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