The All Reports screen is where you can search for and view all reports curated by, run individual reports, and add reports to the Reports drop-down menu.
From the top navigation menu, select Reports
[Drop-down menu] → All Reports.
You can add or remove reports from the Reports drop-down menu:
To remove any report from the Reports
[Drop-down menu], select Remove from Reports Dropdown.
To add any report to the Reports
[Drop-down menu] for easy access, select Add to Reports Dropdown.
List of available reports
Below, you will find a list of reports has curated, separated by category.
These reports show performance data, aggregated in various ways (e.g., by day or brand).
Report | Description |
Creator - Performance by Brand | The aggregated Creator performance by brand over a specified date range. |
Creator - Performance by Campaign | The aggregated Creator performance by campaign over a specified date range. |
Creator - Performance by Social Platform | The aggregated Creator performance by social platform over a specified date range. |
Creator - Performance by Vanity Link | The aggregated Creator performance by vanity link over a specified date range. |
Performance by Ad | The aggregated performance by ad over a specified date range. |
Performance by Brand | The aggregated performance by brand over a specified date range. |
Performance by Category | Displays performance data aggregated by category. |
Performance by Country | The aggregated performance by region and city. |
Performance by Day | The aggregated performance for each day in a specified date range. |
Performance by Device | Shows performance stats based on the device used by the consumer to generate the referral. |
Performance by Event Type | Displays performance data aggregated by Event Type. |
Performance by Month | The monthly performance snapshot for the last 24 months. |
Performance by Product | Displays performance data aggregated by product. |
Performance by Promo Code | Displays performance data aggregated by promo code. |
Performance by Referral Type | Displays performance data aggregated by referral type. |
Performance by Referring Domain | The aggregated performance by referring domain. |
Performance by Referring URL | Displays performance data aggregated by Referring URL. |
Performance by Sub ID and Shared ID | The aggregated performance by sub Id and shared Id. |
Action Listing shows a list of actions and related performance info (including SKU-level data, if available) over a specified date range.
Report | Description |
Action Listing based on Clearing Date | Shows action listing by clearing date. The clearing date is the date the payout gets credited to your partner account. |
Action Listing for a Paystub | Shows listing of actions associated with a paystub. |
Advanced Action Listing | Detailed information on the actions that occurred during a specified date range. The show button allows a view of SKU level data. |
Chained Action Listing | Displays parent and child actions by the brand over a specified date range. Correlates steps in a conversion path (e.g. sign-up to sale). |
Contract History shows your full history of signed, pending, and rejected contracts (previously known as insertion orders).
Report | Description |
Contract History | Displays the history of all signed, pending, and rejected contracts. |
Contract History Detail | Shows the history of all contracts related to your partner account. |
Recent and Upcoming Contracts | Shows contracts which have expired in the 7 days and those which will expire in the next 7 days. Additionally, shows upcoming and pending contracts set to start in the next 7 days. |
Advertiser Contact List shows a full list of the contact information available for all of the brands you work with.
Report | Description |
Advertiser Contact List | Displays available contact information for your joined brands. |
Partner Funds Transfer Listing | Displays listing of Partner Funds Transfers that have been captured, where your account is either the intended recipient, or where you are the payor. The listing is provided by the scheduled (based on the payment date set) year and month. |
Tracking Value Assignments | Displays a listing of unique promo codes, phone numbers, and domains that brand has assigned to your partner account. |
Call Conversion Listing shows a list of conversions associated with your calls.
Report | Description |
Call Conversion Listing | Shows listing of conversions associated with calls. |
Call Funnel Report | Shows funnel from unconverted calls to converted calls. |
Call Listing | Shows listing of calls that have been generated. Not all calls result in a valid conversion payout. |
No Answer/ Busy Calls | Shows listing of calls with no answer or busy calls. |
Report | Description |
Invoice History | Shows a history of invoices you billed to your joined brands and the details of each invoice. |
Monthly Earnings | Shows a listing of all earnings accumulated by your partner account for a specific month. |
Overdue Action Earnings | Shows overdue action earnings based on each actions scheduled clearing date. These are actions that could not be credit to your account balance on the action due date because the brand had insufficient funds to cover the payment. |
Transactions | Shows a listing of all financial transactions posted to your account over a selected date range. |
Withdrawal History | Shows a history of all withdrawals made by your partner account. |
Action Lookup by Action OID is a specialized report to look up an action based on the Order ID—typically used if you're a rewards customer that didn't receive credit for an action.
Reports | Description |
Action Lookup by Action OID | Use this report to look up an action by an order id (OID). Typically used when a rewards customer does not believe they have recieved credit for an action. |
Log in History | Shows audit trail of every account log-in over the past 30 days. |
Report Usage History | Shows audit trail of every time a report is run over the past 30 days. |
User Activity | Displays logins and recently run reports by user. |
Vanity URLs | Shows a list of all vanity links created. |