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Campaign Dashboard Report for Partners

Your Campaign Dashboard can show you information on how your work within a particular brand's program is going. You can view snippets of reports, like your Performance by Referral Type or your Monthly Earnings report.

View the report

Any report you create here can be scheduled or saved by using the buttons in the top right corner of the screen.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select search-solid.svg [Search], then enter "Campaign Dashboard."

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, from the top navigation bar, select search-solid.svg [Search], then enter "Campaign Dashboard."

  2. Under Reports, select Campaign Dashboard.

  3. Under Campaign Dashboard, select Date Range and the Campaign (now known as Program) you want to view in this report, then select search-solid.svg [Search].

  4. Under the filters, view a graph. In the top right corner of the graph, select the kind of data you want to view and how you want to view it.

  5. Under the graph, view information about, and reports for, the program you selected in Step 3.

    • There are 7 tables you can view. Read the References below for more information on each table.


Info reference

Table Column


Campaign Id

The number Id for the program you are signed to.


The name of the program you are signed to. This will match the program you chose in Step 3 of the View the report section above.


Now known as a brand, view the name of the brand you have partnered with.

View Details

Select View Details to see contact information, notifications, some contract details, and more about the program you are signed to.

Performance by Action Tracker reference

Now known as Event Types, view data in the event types your brand uses to pay you (e.g., Sales).

Table Column


Event Type

View the name of the event type(s) your brand uses.

Select the name of a particular event type to view the Event Type Dashboard for that event type. This screen can tell you more about your performance with a particular event type.


View the kind of event type for a particular row.


View the amount you drove for the time period you chose in Step 3 of the View the report section above.

Select the number to view the Action Listing report. The Action Tracker filter in the report will be set with the event type associated with the number you selected.

Sale Amount

See the total sale amount associated with the event type for that row.

Reversed Sales

See the total reversed sale amount associated with the event type for that row.

Action Earnings

View your earnings, aggregated by event type.


View the average order value (AOV), associated with a particular event type.


See the number of reversals associated with the event type of a particular row.


View the reversal rate (RR) associated with the event type for that row.

The Reversal Rate is the number of reversals divided by the gross number of actions (including reversed actions).

Performance by Promo Code reference

Table Column


Promo Code

View the promo codes you can use in your promotional efforts for the program you chose in Step 3 above.


Find if any promo codes you can use are assigned to you. This means only you can use this promo code.

Event Type

View the event type associated with the promo code for a particular row.


See the number of actions in the date range you chose in Step 3 above that are associated with the promo code for a particular row.

Select the number view an Action Listing report for the promo code for a particular row and the date range selected in Step 3 above.

Sale Amount

See the total sale amount associated with a particular promo code for the date range you selected in Step 3 above.

Action Earnings

View your earnings for the actions you drove, aggregated by promo code.


An audience member's average order value (AOV).


Your earnings per action (EPA) is your earnings per action divided by the total number of actions you drove with a particular promo code.

Performance by Referral Type referral

Table Column


Referral Type

View how you are driving actions with your audience members.

Select the number to view an Action Listing report for a particular referral type.


See the number of actions (excluding reversals) you drove for each referral type.

Action Earnings

View your earnings for the actions you drove, aggregated by referral type.

Sale Amount

See the total sale amount for the actions you drove, separated by referral type.


View the number of reversals within the date range you set in Step 3 above.


View the reversal rate (RR) associated with the referral type for that row.

The Reversal Rate is the number of reversals divided by the gross number of actions (including reversed actions).

Monthly Earnings reference

Table Column



View the month for a particular row.


See the number of actions (excluding reversals) you drove for a particular month.

Select the number to view an Action Listing report for the date range you selected in Step 3 above.

Action Earnings

View your earnings for the actions you drove, aggregated by month.

% Locked

See what percent of cations you drove for a particular month have locked.

Learn more about payment cycles.

% Paid

See what percent of actions you drove for a particular month you have been paid for.

Other Earnings

View the total of all other earnings for a particular month. This amount can include bonuses, make goods, and more.


See how many invoices were generated in a given month.

Select the number to view the Invoices for Earnings that Occurred in a given Month to view exactly what invoices were generated.

Performance by Day reference

Table Column



View the day that the data for a particular row was created. The date range you set un Step 3 above will determine how many rows you can view in this table.


See the number of clicks assets you hosted received on a given day.


View the number of actions (excluding reversals) you drove for a particular day.

Select the number to view an Action Listing report for the date range selected in Step 3 above.

Sale Amount

See the total sale amount for the actions you drove, aggregated by day.

Action Earnings

View your earnings for the actions you drove, aggregated by day.

Other Earnings

See the total of all other earnings for a particular day. This amount can include bonuses, make goods, and more.

Total Earnings

View your total earnings for a particular day. This is the sum of your action earnings and your other earnings.


See your earnings per click (EPC), which is your total earnings for a particular day divided by the number of clicks you generated for that same day.

More Analysis reference

Table Column


Performance by Ad

Select Performance by Ad to view the report. This report will break down the outcomes of your marketing efforts by the asset(s) you use.

Performance by Month

Select Performance by Month to view the report. This report will break down the outcomes of your marketing efforts by month, similar to the Monthly Earnings table in your Campaign Dashboard.

Performance by Category

Select Performance by Category to view the report. This report will break down the outcomes of your marketing efforts by the kinds of products sold.

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