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Widget & Microsite Statistics Explained

Verified access widgets and microsites can be set up to show your participants their referral, reward, and program statistics. This feature allows you to keep participants aware of what they’ve achieved and what they can work towards next.

Adjust the statistics shown to participants

Our templates display a few common high-level statistics to your participants by default. To show more custom statistics for your programs to your participants:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content.

  2. Open the content editor by selecting Edit widgets or Edit content.

  3. Select the program Widget or Microsite page that you want to edit from the left slideout.

  4. From the right side menu, select AddStatistics and choose one of the statistics groups or Edit to make changes to an existing one.

    • To edit an existing statistic, select the statistic on the canvas and then make your changes.

  5. For existing an statistic, you can select the Stat Type from the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down].

Referral statistics display a participant’s referral activity, such as the overall number of friends they’ve referred or their referrals within a specific time period, and these statistics are program-specific; if you run multiple programs and your participant belongs to more than one, they’ll only see their statistics from the program for which the widget or microsite is set up.




Example string

Referral count


All referrals made by this participant in this program.


Referral count - started


Referrals that have started but not converted in this program.


Referral count - converted


Converted referrals made by that participant in this program.


Referrals week


All referrals made by that participant in the past week. This includes both started and converted referrals.


Referrals month


All referrals made by that participant in the past month. This includes both started and converted referrals.


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