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Reset Your Authenticator App for 2FA encourages using an authenticator app as your primary two-factor authentication (2FA) method. If you need to reset your authenticator app, e.g., because you've lost the device it's on, then you can do so within your account.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile] → Edit Profile.

  2. Scroll down to the Security section.

  3. Below Authenticator App, select Reset.

    • A confirmation window will appear. Select Reset now to continue resetting the app.

  4. Follow the process to set up an authenticator app again. For instructions, refer to Enable User-Level Two-Factor Authentication.

    Note: If an authenticator app is your only 2FA method and you don't set up another authenticator app now, your account's default verification method will change to Email. You can return to this screen later to add another 2FA method, including an authenticator app.


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