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W-9 Compliance Explained for Advocate

W-9 Compliance is an optional feature for Advocate that helps you and your participants remain compliant with US tax law. W-9 Compliance allows you to:

  • Keep track of which participants have provided you with a W-9 form.

  • Place rewards into a pending state if they would cause participants without a W-9 form on file to exceed the reward limit of $599.99 USD per tax year.

  • Assign non-cash rewards a USD taxable value.

Limitations: This feature does not collect participants' W-9 forms on your behalf or store a copy of collected forms in our system. Instead, it lets you track on individual participant profiles whether the participant has provided your company with a W-9.

W-9 Compliance Options

To turn on W-9 Compliance for your account, reach out to our support team and let us know which option you want.

Please note that W-9 Compliance does not apply retroactively and won't take into account any rewards earned within the current tax year. The limit on rewards only goes into effect from the day that W-9 compliance is enabled.

Option 1: All participants

All participants who don't have a W-9 form marked as Collected on their participant profile will be limited to $599.99 USD in rewards within a tax year. Any USD rewards that exceed this limit are placed in a pending state until the participant is marked as having submitted a valid W-9 form.

Option 2: Participants with an explicit US country code

W-9 Compliance will only apply for participants who have a US country code listed on their participant profile.

Any of these participants who don't have a W-9 form marked as Collected on their participant profile will be limited to $599.99 USD in rewards within a tax year. Any USD rewards that exceed this limit are placed in a pending state until the participant is marked as having submitted a valid W-9 form.

Advocate - Participants - Participant Details 1
Option 3: Participants with an explicit or implicit US country code

W-9 Compliance will apply for participants who have a US country code or a locale ending in _US on their participant profile.

Any of these participants who don't have a W-9 form marked as Collected on their participant profile will be limited to $599.99 USD in rewards within a tax year. Any USD rewards that exceed this limit are placed in a pending state until the participant is marked as having submitted a valid W-9 form.

Advocate - Participants - Participant Details 2

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