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Advocate Program Reports Explained

Advocate offers different reports for your program and participant data. They can be downloaded in .CSV or Excel format. All reports have filtering options to allow you greater control over the data you download.

Refer to Run an Advocate Program Report for instructions on generating new reports.

Available reports

User details

Export a list of all participants to keep your records up to date with their Advocate sharelinks and referral codes.

User details report

The user details report contains detailed information about each participant in all your programs.

By default, the report will include participant information like:

  • Name

  • User and Account ID

  • Email address

  • Custom fields

  • Segments

  • Referral information (if applicable)

When generating the report, you can optionally include:

  • User stats, including analytics information about the participant like traffic, revenue, and more.

  • Referral share links and codes, if applicable. This information can be helpful as part of updating contact records in your CMS or email system to include each participant's Advocate share links and codes.

A full list of the fields can be found when downloading our sample CSV user details report.

User events export

Export all historic user events.

User events export report

The user event exports report provides a record of all user events that we have received from your organization for your Advocate program. You can apply filters to narrow down a time range, event key, user ID, and more.

By default, the report includes:

  • Event ID

  • Event key

  • User and Account ID

  • Date Triggered

  • Date Received

  • Date Processed

Reward details

A report of all earned rewards within your programs. Use this information to create balance sheets, track reward status at a specific point in time, and more.

Reward details report

The reward details report provides a detailed record of each of your rewards and their relationships with participants and referrals. This information can be useful in creating balance sheets, as well as getting the status of all your rewards at a point in time.

By default, the report will include reward fields information like:

  • Reward ID

  • Reward Type

  • Reward Value

A full list of the included fields can be found when downloading our sample CSV, sample Excel or sample JSONL reward details reports.

When generating the report, you can optionally include:

  • Participant details like name, user and account ID, email address, custom fields, segments, and referral information (if applicable)

  • Referral fields like referral ID, customer advocate fields, referred friend fields, and more

Referral activity

A record of all referral connections made in your referral programs to analyze their rate of success and track new users being brought in.

Referral activity report

The referral activity report provides a record of the status of each referral connection made in your referral program. This information can be useful when checking on the success of your program, and tracking the number of new customers your program has brought in.

By default, the report includes:

  • Referred friend details like name, user and account ID, email address, and more

  • Customer advocate details like name, user and account ID, email address, and more

  • Referral status

  • Moderation status

  • Reward IDs

A full list of the fields can be found when downloading our sample CSV referral activity report.

Reward balances by user

A list of all rewards with key information for fulfilling rewards manually, or in a system like Tango Card.

Reward balances by user report

The reward balances by user report provides a record of outstanding rewards, including their value and intended recipient, that were generated through your referral program. This report is often used as part of fulfilling rewards manually, or as part of a batch process to a system like Tango Card. It can also be useful for tracking how much your referral program paid out in a given time period.

By default, the report includes:

  • Participant details like name, user and account ID, email address, and more

  • Reward type

  • Reward unit

  • Reward amount

A full list of the fields can be found when downloading our sample CSV reward balances report.

Available reward balances by user

A list of available rewards to help with your bulk reward redemption process.

Available reward balances by user report

The available reward balances report provides a list of unredeemed rewards. This report type is intended to be used as part of fulfilling rewards through the Bulk Reward Redemption process.

By default, the report includes:

  • Participant details like name, user and account ID, email address, and more

  • Reward unit

  • Reward currency

  • Available amount

A full list of the fields can be found in when downloading our sample CSV available reward balances report.

Note: This report does not include details about Percentage Discount, Fuel Tank, or Gift Card rewards. See the Reward balances by user report section below for more details on these types of rewards.

US W-9 tax report

A report of participants' US W-9 tax status and earned or pending rewards by year.

US W-9 tax report

The US W-9 tax report shows participants' US W-9 tax status and earned or pending rewards by year.

By default, the report includes:

  • Participant details like name, user and account ID, email address, and more

  • Date the participant's W-9 form was marked as submitted

  • US taxable value of rewards earned per tax year

  • Each participant's total number of rewards earned in the tax year

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