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  • Introduction: Welcome to for Partners!
  • Step 1: Join the Marketplace!
  • Step 2: Apply to Brands!
  • Step 3: Get Tracking Links and Other Content!
  • Step 4: Promote your Partnered Brands!
  • Step 5: Start Earning!
  • Step 6: Review Reporting Stats and Grow!
  • Congratulations!

Step 6: Review Reporting Stats and Grow!

Once you’ve started earning payouts from brands you can utilize the advanced action listing report to view detailed information about conversions you drove. Make use of the various reports available to you to identify what types of brands and promotions are likely to benefit you the most. There are the Pending and Balance Screens too that can be used to check on what earnings you have available or pending.

You can also make use of our curated collections of brands and products through Discovery and email campaigns. These collections are hand-picked by and offers suggested brands and products that will help grow and increase payouts.

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