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View Advocate Reward Catalog

From the Reward Catalog screen view the details of your advocate rewards.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select RewardsCatalog.

  2. Refer to the table below for field descriptions.




    The name of the reward.

    Rewarded count

    The number of times the reward has been issued in the last 30 days.

    Used In

    Displays all programs and rewards exchanges that use this reward.


    The reward percentage value the participant receives from their referrals. This value can represent not only a percentage but also a dollar amount or a value for customer rewards.


    The type of reward. E.g., Discount, Credit, Fuel Tank and Gift Card.


    The number of reward codes within a referral program.

  3. Optionally, hover your cursor over the catalog you want to manage and select Edit or Delete.


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