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Review Partner & Creator Applications

The Applications screen is where you can interact with:

  • Joined partners or creators who have proposed new custom contract terms or countered a proposal sent by the brand.

  • Prospective partners or creators who have applied to your program.

You can see the applicants’ media properties and audience insights, assign them to groups, contact them, accept and decline applications, and more.

If you want to automate partner application processing and reduce your application backlog, refer to Create Workflows to Automatically Process Partner Applications for more information.

View applications

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Engage] [Engage] → Partners → Applications.

  2. You can view either New or Processed partner applications using the respective tabs.


Review new applications

Applications on the New screen will be sorted by relevancy to first display joined partners/creators who proposed new custom contract terms, then any prospective partners/creators.

  1. Filter applications based on partner or creator characteristics. Some filter options depend on whether you're viewing applicants to a Performance or a Creator program type.

    Creator only: If you're reviewing applications for a Creator program, then you can select Additional Filters to add social channel- or creator demographic-specific filters. Refer to the filter descriptions below for more information.

    Filter descriptions



    Search bar

    You can search for prospective partners by their Name, ID, URL, or Email.

    Applied on

    Select the date range to filter for applications submitted between the chosen dates.

    Partner Status

    Filter by Joined or New partners.

    • Joined: Existing partners with active contracts that proposed new contract terms.

    • New: All the new partners wanting to join your program.

    Application Type

    Filter by the partner's application type.

    • Inbound: All new partner applications.

    • Countered: New or existing partners' adjusted contract proposal applications with a [Countered] [Countered] icon.


    Filter for applications made by partners that you’ve allocated to specific partner groups.

    Contract Terms

    Filter applications by the set of terms that will govern your relationship with the partner.

    Business Model

    Select which business model types you would like to filter partner applications for. These can include loyalty, email, coupon, among others.

    Partner Size (Performance)


    Creator Tier (Creator)

    Filter interested partners or creators by size. Any partners that provide a valid media property will have one. This ranking is created by an algorithm that looks at several internal and external factors to rank partners by size (extra small to extra large) so that you can review which partners have the highest potential. Have a look at the Partner Size Rating Criteria article for further insight.

    Additional Filters

    (Creator only)

    Set additional filters for your creator applications.

    Social channels: [Toggle off] [Toggle on] a social channel to set platform-specific filters.

    • Reach & Engagement: Set a range of followers, average engagement percentage, and average reach. If you're setting up a range, then make sure that:

      • You have a value for at least one of the fields (e.g., 10,000 minimum followers).

      • Each field has different values (e.g., 10,000 minimum followers and 10,000 maximum followers are not valid.)

    • Audience Demographic: Select desired audience demographics, including age, gender, or location/country. Some demographic filters are only available to specific platforms.

      • Each field must be completed when you're setting up a demographic filter (e.g., More than 50% audiences' age is 25-34.)

    Creator demographics: Filter creators based on their primary location, language, age, gender, pronouns, marital status, parental status, ethnicity, household income, and education.

    Note: If your page displays fewer applications than expected after applying additional filters, consider reducing the number of filters or relaxing some of your criteria.

    Custom Fields

    Filter applications based on responses to your custom field sign-up survey. In the slide-out, select the responses for which you want to filter. Each custom field will be shown as a column in the table.

    You'll only see this filter if you have an active sign-up survey with custom fields enabled.

    Select [More] [More] to see more filters.


    Filter applications based on their promotional properties. These can include the website(s), social channel(s), and mobile application(s) that partners use for promotional purposes.

    Audience Countries

    Filter which countries should form part of the applicants’ audience.

    Partner Country

    Select which country the prospective partners should be based in.

    Time On Impact

    Select the period of time partners should be on to appear on your application list.

  2. Select [Column] [Column] to adjust the columns displayed in the table according to your preference.

Review processed applications

Applications that you’ve processed will appear on the Processed screen.

  1. Filter your processed applications as required.

    Filter descriptions



    Search bar

    You can search for prospective partners by their Name, ID, URL, or Email.

    Processed on

    Select the date range to filter for applications that were processed between the chosen dates.

    Processed By

    Select how the partner application was processed.

    • Blocked List: Any partners blocked from reapplying to your program(s). Learn how to block partners.

    • Impact AI: Any partners automatically processed by Impact AI.

    • Program: Any partners automatically added to other programs you manage. Learn how to add partners to a additional programs.

    • Pre-Selected Partners: Any partners added to a pre-selected list and automatically accepted. Learn how to add partners to a pre-selected list.

    • Suspended List: Any partners temporarily suspended from your program.

    • System: Any partner applications processed by legacy processing methods.

    • Workflows: Any automatically processed partner applications based on specific criteria you set. Learn how to create a workflow.


    Select if you want to view applications that were either Accepted or Rejected by you.

    Contract Terms

    Filter processed applications by the set of terms that will govern your relationship with the partner.


    Filter for applications made by partners that you’ve allocated to specific partner groups.

    Partner Size


    Filter interested partners by size. Any partners that provide a valid media property will have one. This ranking is created by an algorithm that looks at several internal and external factors to rank partners by size (extra small to extra large) so that you can review which partners have the highest potential. Have a look at the Partner Size Rating Criteria article for further insight.

    Custom Fields

    Filter applications based on responses to your custom field sign-up survey. In the slide-out, select the responses for which you want to filter. Each custom field will be shown as a column in the table.

    You'll only see this filter if you have an active sign-up survey with custom fields enabled.

    Select [More] [More] to see more filters.

    Audience Countries

    Filter which countries should form part of the applicants’ audience.

    Business Model

    Select which business model types you would like to filter partner applications for. These can include loyalty, email, coupon, among others.


    Filter applications based on their promotional properties. These can include the website(s), social channel(s), and mobile application(s) that partners use for promotional purposes.

    Applied on

    Select the date range to filter for applications submitted between the chosen dates.

    Partner Country

    Select which country the prospective partners should be based in.


    Select to view each partner’s US state, if applicable.

    Time On Impact

    Select the period of time partners should be on to appear on your application list.

  2. Select [Column] [Column] to adjust the columns displayed in the table according to your preference.

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