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Where Can I See My Pending Actions as a Partner?

Pending actions are any actions that are still waiting for the action locking date to arrive. Once an action is locked, the payment will move from Pending to Locked under Balance. After an action locks, payouts are released according to the payout scheduling term specified within the contract if the payout meets a minimum payment threshold.

View pending actions

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Balance → Pending Actions.

  2. Here you'll see the Pending Actions report, which shows all of your actions that have tracked, but haven't locked yet.


    Take note of the most important columns:

    Action Earnings

    This is amount that you've earned for driving this action, and will payout on the Scheduled Clearing Date.

    Lock Date

    This is the date that the action will lock, and your payout for the action is no longer pending.

    Action ID

    Select the linked Action ID to view details for the action—including the Scheduled Clearing Date. Once an action locks, this date is when you should receive your payout.

    Action Date

    This is the date when the action occurerd and was tracked by


Do not select Reverse for any of your pending actions! This option is only for testing purposes on test actions.

View other action types

In the top column of the report, you can select different tabs to view other action types:


Shows actions that have been reversed and have not been locked. Reversed actions can occur from, among others, invalid customer information, fraudulent customer behavior, or returned items.

Outside of Terms

These are actions that fall outside the limits (e.g., a monthly action amount limit) of your contract with the brand. Unless these actions are manually approved by the Brand, these are not payable actions.

Advertiser Return Request

When creating a template term, an Advertiser may set terms that allow their partners to review proposed returns and accept them. The action becomes reversed when the Partner approves the return request.

Review dates for a brand

Action locking dates and payout scheduling dates are always available to view in your contract with a brand.

  1. From the top navigation bar, BrandsMy Brands.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, from the top navigation bar, select DiscoverMy Brands.

  2. Select the brand for which you would like to view the action locking or payment schedule.

  3. Select More angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down]View And Manage Contract.

  4. Under Schedule, find Action Locking or Payment Scheduling.

Review dates for a pending action

You can also view the action locking date and payout scheduling date for a particular pending action.

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Balance → Pending Actions.

  2. To search for a particular Brand’s pending actions, select that brand from the Brand filter in the filter bars.

    • Select [Search].

  3. To search for a particular pending action by its action ID, enter the action ID in the Action Id field.

  4. Select the action ID, under the action ID column, for the pending action you would like to view.

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