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Creator Wrap Report

The Creator Wrap Report offers a centralized place to see how your campaign has performed. Key metrics like the overall campaign performance, top-performing creators and content, and more are available. After running a campaign, you can share and demonstrate the campaign's value and get actionable insights to optimize the next campaign. Actionable insights include:

  • Budget: Should you increase investment based on the previous program, or are there additional areas where you can save?

  • Cast: Will you re-engage top-performing creators or phase out any under-performing creators?

  • Timing: Was your timeline realistic or did you make several adjustments?

Access the report

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select Campaign Manager → Creator.

  2. Select the Completed tab below Campaign Manager.

    • Ensure you have [Hamburg menu] [List view] enabled.

  3. Hover over the campaign for which you want to view the report, then select View Wrap Report.

  4. Below Creator Wrap Report, you can filter for the data you want to view.

    Filter reference



    Date range

    Filter for a specific date range of data.


    Choose which program(s) you want to include in this report.

    Campaign id

    Filter report data according to a specific campaign ID.

  5. Once you've selected your filters, you can view a breakdown of your campaign according to the following main sections:

    • To download a PDF version of each widget, hover over the widget in the section and select [Download] [Download].

    • Active creators: The number of creators who submitted content for this campaign. Any hired creators who did not submit content for the campaign won't be classified as active creators.

    • Total number of posts: The total posts made by all the creators in this campaign.

    • Total compensation: Total amount paid to creators participating in this campaign.

    • Total revenue: This is the total amount of sales creators have generated for you from link clicks for this campaign.

    • ROAS: Return on ad spend is calculated as the credited revenue driven by the winner crediting model divided by the total action cost.

    Compensation Breakdown
    • Total spent: The total amount spent on this campaign.

    • Budget: The initial amount budgeted for this campaign.

    • Compensation: A summary of the compensation amounts according to: Flat Fees, CPA Spent, Product Gifting and Other Cost.

      • Flat Fees: Fixed payment amounts paid to creators for completing campaign tasks.

      • CPA Spent: All the costs per action–calculated as the total action cost divided by the number of credited actions.

      • Product Gifting: Costs associated with products as gifts to creators for completing campaign tasks.

      • Other Cost: Additional costs associated with creators apart from creator payouts, such as bonuses earned during the campaign.

    Creator Performance & Engagement
    • Total engagements: The number of audience actions taken after seeing posted content for this campaign. Actions can include reacting to the content, clicking a link, sharing the content, and more.

    • Total views: The number of views for video content in this campaign.

    • Recruitment pipeline: A summary of the applications processed for the campaign. This recruitment pipeline includes invited creators, creators who applied to this campaign, applications not processed, and creators who got hired and rejected.

    • Total likes: The number of likes for posted content associated with this campaign.

    • Total shares: The number of times posted content associated with this campaign was shared.

    • By creator: A summary of social metrics for content posted by each creator associated with this campaign.

    • Social platforms: A summary of social metrics for content posted on each social platform associated with this campaign.

    • Top performing posts: A summary of social metrics for the top-performing posts associated with this campaign.

    Refer to Creator reports to get more in-depth metrics for your campaign.

    Sale Metrics
    • Average order value: The average order value associated with a campaign. AOV=Sale Amount divided by Actions.

    • Clicks: The total number of link clicks that led traffic to your landing page for the campaign.

    • Sales: The total amount of sales generated from posts for the campaign.

    • Sales breakdown: A comparison between clicks and sales for the campaign over a selected timeframe.


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