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Delete Participants from Your Advocate Program

Warning: Deletions are permanent and your share links, referrals, and analytics may be impacted.

Our deletion functionality is fully compliant with the requirements for user deletion as outlined by GDPR. When you delete participants, our system will delete within 30 days all PII that has been stored for those participants within our system and its subprocessors. You can retrieve a full list of the PII stored for a specific participant using the Lookup Using PII API method. Participants can be deleted from your program either individually or in bulk.

Deletion options

  • Do Not Track

    Do Not Track is a configuration option during participant deletion. If selected, the deleted participant cannot be re-registered in our system. Any attempts to recreate the participant will fail.

  • Preserve Empty Accounts

    Preserving empty accounts is a configuration option that you can use when deleting participants in bulk, via REST API, or via GraphQL. To preserve empty accounts, include the preserveEmptyAccount field with your deletion file or call.

Deletion methods

The Advocate REST API provides two methods to delete participants:

  • Delete an account. Use this method to delete an account, and all the participants on it.

  • Delete a participant. Use this method to delete a participant on an account without deleting the account itself.


We notify you by email when your import is complete. You can download the results from Reporting → Imports & Exports.

Note: Download links will expire after 30 days.

If the import completes successfully, a file with the account and user IDs of the deleted participants will be generated and emailed to you.

System effects

Multiple areas of the system may be impacted as a result of deleting a participant.

  • Share links

    When a participant is deleted, all of their PII (including their referral code) is deleted as well. Share links work differently—the share link itself is not deleted, but its association with a specific participant is removed. The deleted participant’s share links will no longer attribute a referral, but will still allow newly-referred participants to visit your program’s landing page.

  • Referrals

    If deleted participants have made referrals or been referred themselves, then the referral history displayed in other participants’ widgets or microsites will change. In these cases, the referral still counts for reward purposes, but visually the referral will be shown as having come from an anonymous participant.

  • Analytics

    Analytics are collected as participants perform actions like loading widgets, sharing links, or making referrals. When participants are deleted, all analytics attributed to them are removed, which will affect the statistics displayed in the Reporting section of your Advocate program in

  • Platform

    Deleted participants no longer appear on the Participants page. If the deleted participant was part of a referral, then the referral table on the other participant’s profile will show that a referral exists, but that it was from a deleted participant. If a reward had been given as part of the referral, then the rewards table similarly indicates that the referral is linked to a deleted participant.

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