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Manage Your Creators

Once you've recruited creators to your program, you can manage them on the My Creators screen or your Campaign Manager.

Manage creators in the campaign manager

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Engage] [Engage] → Campaign Manager → Creator.

  2. Hover over the campaign for which you want to manage creators and select Manage Campaign.

    • See the Table reference below for more information about each table column.

  3. To view your creators, make sure you're in the Applicants tab and select Hired.

    • See the Applicant status reference below for more information about each applicant status.

  4. Hover over a hired creator to do the following:

    • Email — use's email feature to reach out to the creator about your campaign.

    • [Comment] / [Inbox] / [Message] [Message] — use's messaging feature to quickly communicate with the creator.

    • Manage Tasks — review the creator's tasks, deliverables, and drafts.

    • Pay — see details about scheduled, outstanding, or completed payments associated with the creator.

    • [More] [More] — view and download the creator's Statement of Work, Add / Remove Tasks from their to-do list, or Remove them from your campaign altogether.

    Table reference
    • To sort columns in ascending or descending order, select [Arrow up] [Sort].

    • To remove or add columns to the table, select [Column] [Columns].

    Column name



    The creator's account name.

    Application Message

    The message sent by the creator with their application.


    The creator's media properties. Select a social media icon to view their page.


    The creator's total number of followers across all of their connected social media platforms.


    Where the creator is based.


    The creator's age.

    Relationship Status

    The creator's relationship status.


    The creator's gender.


    The creator's ethnicity.

    Household Income

    The creator's disclosed household income.


    The creator's preferred pronouns.

    Parental Status

    The creator's parental status.

    Hired Campaigns

    The total amount of campaigns the creator has worked on.


    Specific groups to which the creator is assigned.

    Instagram Followers

    The number of followers the creator has on Instagram.

    TikTok Followers

    The number of followers the creator has on TikTok.

    YouTube Subscribers

    The number of subscribers the creator has on YouTube.

    Facebook Followers

    The number of followers the creator has on Facebook.

    Twitch Followers

    The number of followers the creator has on Twitch.

    Pinterest Followers

    The number of followers the creator has on Pinterest.

    Applicant status reference
    • To view applicants by status, use the filters below the top navigation bar.




    All the creators that applied to a campaign.

    • Hover over the applicant to View Proposal, Hire, Reject, Email, or [Comment] / [Inbox] / [Message] [Message] the applicant.

    • Select [More] [More] to move the applicant to in review or alternates.


    All creators you invited to participate in a campaign.

    • Select [More] [More] to move the applicant to in review or alternates.

    • You can also remove invited applicants from campaigns.

    In Negotiation

    Creators without an accepted contract, including those awaiting a decision, those who haven’t accepted your proposal, those who countered your proposal, and those whose application you’ve countered.

    • Hover over the applicant to Hire or Reject the applicant.

    • Select [More] [More] to move the applicant to in review or alternates.

    In Review

    Creators who applied that you are reviewing.

    Important: You have to move the applicants to in review.

    • Hover over the applicant to View Proposal, Hire, Reject, Email, or [Comment] / [Inbox] / [Message] [Message] the applicant.

    • Select [More] [More] to move the applicant to alternates.


    Creators actively working on a campaign.

    • Hover over the applicant to Manage tasks, Pay, Email, or [Comment] / [Inbox] / [Message] [Message] the applicant.

    • Select [More] [More]View Statement of Work to view or download the creator's SOW.

      • The SOW shows you the creator's compensation, task timelines, usage rights, and more.

    Refer to Manage Creator Campaign Payments for more information on paying creators.


    All applicants who might be hired at a later stage, e.g., if a hired creator opts out.

    • Hover over the applicant to View Proposal, Hire, the applicant.

    • Select [More] [More] to move the applicant to in review.


    All the rejected applicants.

    • Hover over the applicant to View Proposal, Hire, Email, or [Comment] / [Inbox] / [Message] [Message] the applicant or move to in review.

    • Select [More] [More] to move the applicant to in review or alternates.

Manage creators on the My Creators screen

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Engage] [Engage] → PartnersCreators.

  2. Search for creators using the filter bar below My Creators.

    • See the Filter reference below for more information about each filtering tool.

    • See the Columns reference below for more information about each table column.

  3. Hover over a creator and select [More] [More] in the far right to do the following:

    • Contract — manage the contract terms between you and the creator.

    • Tracking — create an exclusive tracking link for the creator, manage their promo codes, and more.

    • Invite to my campaign — invite the creator to your program's associated creator campaign.

    • Invite to my survey — invite the creator to partake in your survey.

    • Partner Integration — help the creator set up tracking pixels or postbacks.

    • Client cost settings — charge the creator to be partnered with you.

    • Manage account lists — assign someone on your team to act as the creator's point of contact.

    • Message — use's messaging feature to quickly communicate with the creator.

    Filter reference



    Search bar

    Filter through your creators by searching for their name, social network, unique partner ID, or to which account user they've been assigned.


    Filter for creators assigned to a specific partner group.

    Contract Status

    Filter creators by their contract status in one or more of stages you specify.

    Creator Tier

    Filter your creators by their creator tier scale.

    Select [More] [More] to see additional filter options.

    Partner Stage

    Filter creators that are joined to, expired, or suspended from your program.

    Business Model

    Filter creators by their business model.

    Assigned To

    Filter creators by an account user whom is responsible for them.

    Prospecting Source

    Filter creators by the source from where the creator was found.

    Column reference




    See your creator's name, ID, and display picture.


    If your creators are assigned to a partner group, you'll see which groups in this column.


    The contract to which the creator is signed.

    Creator Tier

    Which creator tier the creator falls into.

    Direct Partner

    This column will display a [Checked circle] [Check] if a creator is a direct partner.

    Recent Activity

    The most recent action taken by the creator.

    Date Joined

    The date the creator joined your program.

    Media Properties

    The social channels the creator has connected to their profile.

    Business Model

    The creator's business model.

    Marketplace Application Date

    If applicable, this is the date the creator applied to join the marketplace.

    Audience Country

    Where the creator's audience is situated.

    Partner ID

    The unique identifier for the creator.

    Assigned To

    The account user to which the creator is assigned.


    The creator's profile description.

    Promotional Areas

    The countries in which this creator operates.

    Contact Name

    The name of the contact person for the creator.


    The address of the contact person for the creator.


    Where the creator is based.

    Phone Number

    The phone number of the contact person for the creator.


    The contact email address of the creator.

    Moz Domain Authority

    The domain authority score of the creator's website.


    The categories associated with the creator's profile.

    Prospecting Source

    Where you originally found this creator.

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