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Manage Your Creators

Once you've recruited creators to your program, you'll need to access the My Creators screen to view more about your creators and manage the admin of their profiles.

Manage your creators

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → PartnersCreators.

    • Select reports_grey.svg [Graph icon] to view Performance by Partner report.

    • Select 3-dots-grey.svg [More] to Download Creator List, Creator Tracking Settings, Creator Contact List or Revert to old UI.

  2. Search for or filter your creators using the filtering tools below My Creators.

    • See the Filter reference below for more information about the filtering tools.

  3. Select columns-solid__1_.svg [Columns] to add additional columns to the My Creators table.

    • See the Columns reference below for more information about the different columns.

Filter reference



Search bar

Filter through your creators by searching for their name, social network, unique partner ID, or to which account user they've been assigned.


Filter for creators assigned to a specific partner group.

Contract Status

Filter creators by their contract status in one or more of stages you specify.

Select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More] to see additional filter options.

Partner Size

Filter your creators by their partner size rating.

Partner Stage

Filter creators that are joined to, expired, or suspended from your program.

Business Model

Filter creators by their business model.

Assigned To

Filter creators by an account user whom is responsible for them.

Prospecting Source

Filter creators by the source from where the creator was found.

Column reference




See your creator's name, ID, and display picture.


If your creators are assigned to a partner group, you'll see which groups in this column.


The contract to which the creator is signed.

Partner Size

The partner size rating of the creator.

Direct Partner

This column will display a check-circle-solid.svg [Check] if a creator is a direct partner.

Recent Activity

The most recent action taken by the creator.

Date Joined

The date the creator joined your program.

Media Properties

The social channels the creator has connected to their profile.

Business Model

The creator's business model.

Marketplace Application Date

If applicable, this is the date the creator applied to join the marketplace.

Audience Country

Where the creator's audience is situated.

Partner ID

The unique identifier for the creator.

Assigned To

The account user to which the creator is assigned.


The creator's profile description.

Promotional Areas

The countries in which this creator operates.

Contact Name

The name of the contact person for the creator.


The address of the contact person for the creator.


Where the creator is based.

Phone Number

The phone number of the contact person for the creator.


The contact email address of the creator.

Moz Domain Authority

The domain authority score of the creator's website.


The categories associated with the creator's profile.

Prospecting Source

Where you originally found this creator.

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