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View Your Received Creator Campaign Payments

You can view your balance, filter through payments, access your bank account settings, or drill down into payment details.

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Discover angle-down-solid.svgFind Campaigns.

  2. Select the Participating tab.

  3. Hover over a campaign you are working on, then select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]View Payments.

    • Alternatively, you can select the campaign and from the slideout, select More angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]View Payments.

  4. On the Payments screen, you can view your balance, filter payments, and view payment details.

    • Refer to the filter and payment details sections below.

    Payment filters



    Search by amount

    Enter the amount by which you want to filter payments.


    Filter by transaction dates.


    Filter transactions by Brand.


    Filter by transaction type:

    • All

    • Payment

    • Withdrawal

    • Processing fee

    • Other

    Payment reference table

    Column name



    This amount is your running account balance.


    The payment description.


    The payment amount.


View payment details

  1. Select a payment for which you want to view details.

    • From the payment slideout, you can view the payment date and amount.

  2. Under the In this Payment section, select an amount to view the transaction's granular details.

    • Selecting this amount will show a timeline for when the amount was earned, and when a payment was made.


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