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Edit Your Email Templates

This article covers configuring your Branded Creator Portal and is not relevant to the app. Contact us to learn more.

You can use a list of email templates to notify creators of specific events or occurrences. You can edit these templates to fit your brand's needs and apply your own style to any emails.

  1. In the upper-right corner, select your <Name> [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down]Admin.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Emails and announcements.

  3. In the Email Templates section, find the template you want to edit, then select Edit.

  4. In the Edit window, edit the email's Subject, Body, and Call To Action Text.

    • The call to action text will be displayed on the button in the email.

  5. Select [ ] Add dynamic fields to add any dynamic variables to your email.

    • Refer to the Email template dynamic fields reference table below to see which dynamic fields are available for which email templates.

    Email template dynamic fields reference

    Email template name

    Available dynamic fields

    Account Deletion

    [Influencer name] 

    Add Bank Account Details

    [Influencer name], [Account balance]

    Approved Influencer

    [Influencer name] 

    Brand Revises Draft

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name]

    Change Email

    [Influencer name], [email_address]

    Confirm Password Reset

    [Influencer name], [support_email], [platform], [login_link]

    Draft Due Soon

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name]

    Draft Overdue

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name]

    Influencer Confirm Email

    [Influencer name] 

    Influencer Hired To Campaign

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name]

    Influencer Onboarding Accepted

    [Influencer name] 

    Influencer Onboarding Complete

    [Influencer name] 

    Initial Invitation

    [Influencer name] 

    Invitation Reminder 1

    [Influencer name] 

    Invitation Reminder 2

    [Influencer name] 

    Invitation Reminder 3

    [Influencer name] 

    Invite To Campaign

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name]

    Invite To Survey

    [Influencer name] 

    New Message

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name]

    Onboarding Incomplete

    [Influencer name] 

    Private Network Password Reset

    [Influencer name] 

    Rejected Alternate Program

    [Influencer name] 

    Rejected Brand Safety

    [Influencer name] 

    Rejected Employee

    [Influencer name] 

    Rejected Generic

    [Influencer name] 

    Rejected Not Enough Followers

    [Influencer name] 

    Rejected Outside US

    [Influencer name] 

    Social disconnect 1

    [Influencer name], [Disconnected social platform]

    Task Overdue

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name], [Task due date]

    Unread Notifications

    [Influencer name], [Notification count]

    Upcoming Payments Flat Fee

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name], [Earnings], [Payment date]

    Upcoming Payments Performance Based

    [Influencer name], [Campaign name], [Earnings], [Payment date]

  6. Select Save when you're done.

    • Select Preview next to the email template to see what the email looks like for the creator.

Email reminder triggers

Specific emails are sent after certain events occur as a reminder for the creator. These events include reminders to join a program, perform a task, check a new notification, and more.

Email triggers

Email reminder


Invitation reminder 1

Sent 3 days after the invitation unless the creator joins or unsubscribes.

Invitation reminder 2

Sent 10 days after the invitation unless the creator joins or unsubscribes.

Invitation reminder 3

Sent 30 days after the invitation unless the creator joins or unsubscribes.

Account deletion

Sent when a creator requests to delete their account from settings.

Influencer onboarding accepted

Sent when you accepted a creator into your program.

Change email

Sent when a creator changes their email in settings.

Upcoming payments performance based

Sent when a creator has earnings scheduled for an upcoming payment.

Password reset

Sent when a creator resets their password.

Brand revises draft

Sent to a creator when you revise their draft.

Influencer hired to campaign

Sent when you hire a creator for a campaign.

Unread notifications

Sent when a creator has unread notifications in the platform.

Tasks overdue

Sent when a creator has overdue tasks.


Sent when you reject a creator from your program.

Invite to survey

Sent when a creator is invited to a survey.

Invite to campaign

Sent when a creator is invited to a campaign.

Draft overdue

Sent when a creator has an overdue draft.

Onboarding incomplete

Sent when a creator has completed the first onboarding step, but not completed the remaining steps.

Social disconnect

Sent when a social media property is disconnected. A disconnected property can be caused by an expired token, the creator disconnecting the property, or other various reasons. This email is sent when social metrics cannot be retrieved because it is disconnected.

New message

Sent when the creator has a new message in the platform.

Add bank account details

Sent when creators have a funding account balance, but do not have their banking details on the platform.

Draft due soon

Sent when creators have an upcoming draft due.

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