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Process Partners in Bulk and Reverse Rejections

Process partners in bulk

While on the Applications screen, you can filter for prospects and then use the check box to select all partners on the screen, or select partners individually and process them in bulk. You can also bulk group pending applications to help organize the pending list. The actions you take (e.g., contract start date, messages, reject reason, etc.) apply to all partners selected.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Engage] [Engage] → Partners → Applications.

  2. On the Applications screen, filter your prospects by hovering your cursor over each partner's name and selecting the checkbox next.

    • Alternatively, search the name of the partner(s) and select their respective checkboxes.

  3. You can also use the group option to bulk group pending applications. When you return to the application screen, you can quickly filter by the group and take further action (e.g., Bulk accept all pending applications in the selected group.)

  4. At the top of the list, select Accept (or Reject).

  5. In the Accept (or Reject) modal, select the contextual button (Accept or Reject) to complete the bulk action.


Alternatively, you can use the directional toggles on the slide-out partner modal to process partners quickly.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Engage] [Engage] → Partners → Applications.

  2. On the Applications screen, select the partner's name at the top of the list.

  3. In the partner slide-out modal, use the directional buttons at the top right to switch between different applicants.


Reduce your application backlog: The Run Workflow button allows you to process applications periodically to help reduce your application backlog. The button will appear greyed-out if a workflow is busy processing. This may take some time if you need to process a lot of applications. You can also automate accepting and declining partners to your program using Automated Rules.

Reverse a partner rejection

If you’ve accidentally rejected a partner and want to add them again, you can reverse the rejection by sending a new proposal.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select [Engage] [Engage] → Partners → Applications.

  2. On the Applications screen, select the Processed tab.

  3. Select the Status filter, then, choose Rejected.

  4. Identify the partner you want to reverse the rejection for and select [Menu] [More] → Counter.


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