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Partner Dashboard & Widgets Explained

The Home screen dashboard provides an overview of information about your account.

The dashboard widgets show a summary of your account performance and other metrics. Some widgets only appear if you're a direct partner (i.e., you signed up directly with a brand) or if you're a marketplace partner (i.e., you've joined the Impact Marketplace and work with multiple brands).


The snapshot widget shows your account performance over a customizable date range.

  • Select the date range in the top right corner of the widget to change the date range of the displayed data.

  • Select one of the metrics (Clicks, Actions, Payouts, Sale Amount, Conversion Rate, EPC) to see that performance metric appear in the line graph.

  • Hover over any peak in the line graph to see the total recorded amount of the selected metric for that day.

  • Select Snapshot in the top left corner of the widget to view the full Overview report.

  • Certain brands that you’re partnered with on may use the Task Management system to assign tasks to you. You can view the tasks assigned to you on your dashboard and the Tasks screen.

  • Learn more about managing tasks as a partner.


Viewing a brand's in-app newsletters keeps you informed on updates, sales, commissions, and partnership opportunities, ensuring you're always aligned and ready to capitalize.

Create a link and share link

The create a link widget is a quick way to create new short links and vanity links to promote the brand(s) you work with. These links have tracking capabilities built right in.

  1. Select the brand you wish to promote from the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu].

  2. Enter a landing page, or leave this field blank to use the brand's default landing page.

    • For example, if you're trying to create a short link to a brand's particular product or service, you can put the URL to that page here.

  3. In the link section, choose:

    • http(s)://—the link will attempt to use the secure version of HTTP if possible but will use regular HTTP as a fallback

    • http://—the link will only use regular HTTP.

    • https://—the link will only use the secure version of HTTP.

  4. If you wish to customize the short link (known as vanity links), you can change the text after the slash (/) in the link.

    • For example, you change the link to to indicate that this link sends viewers to the brand Acme's new bird seed product.

  5. Select Advanced to view the advanced options to add Sub ID and Shared ID values.

    See the SubID and SharedID article for details on these advanced features.

  6. Select Create to create the new link.

    • Additionally, you can also select the [Old Facebook] [Facebook icon] and/or the [X] [X icon] to share this link directly on your social media accounts.

    • Additionally you can also select [QR code] [QR code] and take a screenshot of the QR code and manually share it with your partners.

Find new brands to promote

This widget will show a curated list of brands that are looking for new partners to join them. You'll see the following stats:





Shows the logo, name, and the website of the brand.

You can learn more about a brand by selecting the logo or the name of a brand you are interested in. You will be shown a card with more information about their program.


Shows the category of products and/or services that this brand offers.


Shows the payout rate and action as set in the advertiser's contract.

30 Day EPC

Shows the earnings per click over a 30-day window for this advertiser, if available.

Select Apply to request a new brand to promote.

Note: Only direct partners joined to one brand will see this widget. Partners joined to the marketplace will see Find new brands to promote detailed below.

Brands to work with instantly

Note: You'll only see this widget if you have joined the Brands Marketplace.

This widget shows brands that you can join right away. These are brands that you are pre-qualified to work with and your application will be approved instantly. The widget will show you the name, logo, and payout associated with the brand. You can select View All to see all the brands you are pre-qualified to join.

Submit a lead

B2B brands on may offer payouts for qualified leads — these can be submitted via the Submit a Lead widget. If you're a B2B partner working with one of these brands, this widget will appear on your dashboard.

Learn how to submit a lead.

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