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Join Creator Campaigns

Join invited campaigns

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Discover angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Find Campaigns.

  2. Select the Invited tab.

  3. Hover over the campaign to which you want to apply and select View Proposal.

    • Optionally, select the campaign to review all of the campaign details.

      • Dates

      • Tasks

      • Compensation

      • Moodboard

      • Content guidelines

  4. Review the campaign's proposal and select Accept.

    • If a brand opts for creator bids, it is mandatory to specify your compensation. Select Provide your rate to negotiate your compensation.

      • To negotiate timelines, tasks, or usage rights (if applicable) you need to also remove or amend them manually before you re-submit the proposal.

    • Once the bid process starts, the application moves into negotiation and you can continue countering until an agreement is reached.


Note: You’ll get an email invite to join when a brand invites you to a campaign.

Find and join creator campaigns

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!

You can browse and apply to eligible brand campaigns or get invited by brands to join campaigns either in the Campaigns marketplace or easily find new campaigns from your dashboard.

When joining a creator campaign, there are a few different scenarios:

You have a contract with the brand

If you apply to a creator campaign from the marketplace while already joined to the associated program, the brand will need to approve your application before you can start working as a creator for that campaign.

Alternatively, if the brand invites you to its creator campaign via the marketplace, you will be approved automatically upon accepting the invitation.

You have no contract with the brand

If you apply to a creator campaign via the marketplace without first joining the associated program, registers this as a double application to both the campaign and the program. The brand will then be able to choose whether it wants to approve your application to the program alone, or both the program and the campaign. If the brand approves your program application, you'll work merely as a partner to the brand, and the brand may approve your campaign application at any future point.

Alternatively, if the brand invites you to its creator campaign via the marketplace, you will be approved automatically to both the campaign and the program upon accepting the invitation.

You join via campaign Invite link

If a brand invites you to its creator campaign via a campaign Invite link, they are essentially inviting you to both the creator campaign and the associated program (if you aren't already joined to the program). If you sign up via the link, you will only be approved automatically to the program. The brand will still need to approve your campaign application before you can start working as a creator for that campaign.

Browse all campaigns

You can review campaigns of various statuses (e.g., applied, negotiating, favorited, declined, and more).

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Discover angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Find Campaigns.

  2. Use the Campaign Status tabs near the top of the screen to filter campaigns by status.

  3. Use the filter panel on the left to refine your campaign search.

    Campaign status reference




    See all the campaigns that fit your profile based on your public profile information. Your eligibility will improve when you provide detailed data to the personal information section of your public profile.

    You can apply to any active campaign listed in the Eligible tab.


    See all the campaigns to which brands have invited you.

    You can view the proposal and accept, negotiate, or decline the terms.


    See all the campaigns to which you applied but have not yet received a hiring decision. Applications move to Negotiation if you are required to propose a flat fee or otherwise negotiate the Statement of Work (SoW) during the application.

    You can download the SoW from this tab.


    See all the campaigns to which you have applied and for which you are actively negotiating the SoW or the proposed flat fee.

    You can view the proposal and accept or further negotiate the terms.


    See all the campaigns to which you are currently hired.

    All Campaigns

    See all campaigns regardless of their status.


    See all the campaigns that you marked as favorites.

    Select heart-solid.svg [Heart] in the upper-right tile of any campaign to add it to your favorites.


    See all the campaigns that you have completed.


    See all the campaigns that you declined or campaign applications declined by the brand.

    You can re-apply to any declined campaigns.

    Filter descriptions




    Filter campaigns by their category, e.g., Art & Entertainment.


    Filter campaigns by the brands who published them.

    Social Platforms

    Filter campaigns by their required social platforms.

    Compensation Types

    Filter campaigns by their payment types.

Join eligible campaigns

Before joining or accepting to join a campaign, you can view and negotiate the compensation, usage rights, and tasks (depending on the campaign settings).

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Discover angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Find Campaigns.

    Don't see the Find Campaigns button? This feature is only available to partners who have the Creator business model and have connected a social media account with over 1000 followers. If this description matches you, reach out to support for help with getting access. Alternatively, view our article on Campaigns Explained for Creators.

  2. Select the Eligible tab.

    • Here, you can view a list of campaigns that are a good fit based on what brands are looking for and whether your profile attributes like gender, audience size, location, etc. match.

  3. Hover over a campaign for which you want to apply and select Apply.

    • Optionally, select the campaign to review all of the campaign details, like dates, tasks, compensation, and more.

    • If you see a Pause.svg [Pause] icon next to a campaign, the campaign is not taking new applications. You can register your interest in applying by selecting the campaign and then Interested in Applying? Let us know. If the campaign resumes accepting new applications you will be notified in the app and via email.

  4. View your compensation rate for the campaign and provide a short motivation for why you want to work on the campaign.

  5. Select Continue.

  6. Select that you have read, understood, acknowledged, and accepted the campaign's template terms, then select Apply.

    • Once you apply to work on a brand's campaign, you'll be accepting the brand's contract.

    • If a brand opts for creator bids, it is mandatory to specify your compensation. Select Provide your rate to negotiate your compensation.

      • To negotiate timelines, tasks, or usage rights (if applicable) you need to also remove or amend them manually before you re-submit the proposal.

    • Once the bid process starts, the application moves into negotiation and you can continue countering until an agreement is reached.

    • You'll receive an email and in-app notification when the brand accepts or rejects your application.

    What should I look out for in a contract?

    Be sure to read through the terms carefully as it specifies essential details such as payment timelines and other specified business terms. Here's a guide to some of the terms you might see and what they mean for you as the creator:



    Action locking

    This is the period after an action is tracked, during which a brand needs to confirm the payment for that action.

    Pay Creator

    This option enables the brand to pay you once all the tasks are complete and the content is live.

    Payment Scheduling

    The amount of time between an action locking and you being paid out for driving that action. Brands can choose to schedule payments for locked actions at a later date than when they lock.

    Statement of Work (SoW)

    Once you start working on a specific campaign, you will accept the brand's SOW. The SOW specifies your deliverables, such as the type of content and the platform on which you'll post it, and compensation for these deliverables. Every campaign you work on has a SoW.

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