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Send Messages on Behalf of Brands

Access the in-app messaging feature to manage daily communication and respond to brands/partners as an agency. By joining the brand’s message feed, you will be able to message partners on behalf of the brand. The partner will be notified that they are speaking with someone from an agency managing the brand’s account.

Follow the steps below to proceed as a first-time or returning user:

  1. Log in to your Agency account.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Advertisers.

  3. On the My Advertisers screen, find the brand account for which you want access.

  4. In the Login column, select Login.

  5. Once you've logged in to the brand's account, select comment-regular.svg [Inbox] from the left navigation menu.

    • Alternatively, if this is the first time you are messaging on a brand's behalf, select JoinOK to opt into the messaging feed.

  6. To create a new message thread with a partner, select 4213412_compose_document_edit_pen_pencil_icon__1_.svg [Compose].

  7. Search for the partner you want to message.

  8. Enter the message you would like to send your partner.

    • Optionally, you can select paperclip-solid.svg [Attach file]. The following file types can be attached: CSV, PDF, JPEG, PNG, GIF.

    • All incoming and outgoing attachments are scanned for viruses.

  9. Once you've entered your message and added your attachments, select Send.


Opt out of the messaging feed

If you want to leave the messaging feed, you can do so from the brand's account.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu]Settings.

  2. Under Program, select Messaging.

  3. Select Leave Messaging FeedLeave.


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