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Create & Manage Product Catalog Rules

Product Catalog Rules enable you to control which products in your product catalogs partners can view. With this feature, you won't have to maintain multiple product catalogs for each kind of partner signed to your program. Now, you can show each kind of partner the products you want them to see, all based on the rules you configure for your catalog.

While you can implement this however you choose, typical use cases for this feature include:

  • Limiting the items partners can see to only what is applicable to them (e.g., fashion partners only seeing apparel items)

  • Displaying items with higher margins to high-performance partners

  • Hide items that are not available in a partner's geographical location.

Create a product catalog rule

After this feature is added to your account, you can begin curating product catalog rules.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Products.

  2. From the top navigation bar, select Rules.

  3. Select Create Rule.

    • After you have created your first rule, this button will be in the top-right corner of the screen.

  4. Enter the name of the rule.

  5. From the drop-down menu, select the Product Catalog to which you want this rule to apply.

  6. Select Next.

  7. Next to Apply to Media, enter the name(s) of the partner(s) to which you want this rule to apply. Partners listed here will have a restricted view of the product catalog.

  8. Next to Exclude Media, enter the name(s) of the partner(s) to which you don't want this rule to apply. Partners listed here will not have a restricted view of the product catalog.

  9. Next to Filter Wizard, create conditions for your rule.

    • Select AND to further restrict a condition or Add another condition to add more conditions to the rule.

    • See the Condition reference for more information on each condition.

    • See the Condition application reference to learn how each condition will apply the rule you create.

  10. Test your product catalog rules by entering a product's ID or SKU number, then select Test.

  11. Once satisfied with your rule, select Save.


Manage a product catalog rule

After you've created a rule, you can go back and manage details about a particular rule, like which partners the rule applies to or are excluded from the rule, change the rule's name, or revise which product catalog the rule applies to.

Change basic information

A rule's basic information includes its name and the product catalog to which the rule applies.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Products.

  2. From the top navigation bar, select Rules.

  3. Find the rule for which you want to change basic info, then, under Actions, select [Drop-down menu] → Basic Info.

  4. Read the warning message, then select I understand, continue.

  5. Change the Name of the rule or the Product Catalog to which the rule applies.

  6. Select Save.

Change filter settings

A rule's filter settings include the list of partner the rule applies to and excludes, as well as the conditions of the rule.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Products.

  2. From the top navigation bar, select Rules.

  3. Find the rule for which you want to change basic info, then, under Actions, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Filter Settings.

  4. Read the warning message, then select I understand, continue.

  5. Next to Apply to Media, enter the name(s) of the partner(s) to which you want this list to apply.

  6. Next to Exclude Media, enter the name(s) of the partner(s) to which you do not want this list to apply.

  7. Next to Filter Wizard, create conditions for your rule.

    • Select AND to further restrict a condition or Add another condition to add more conditions to the rule.

    • See the Condition reference for more information on each condition.

    • See the Condition application reference to learn how each condition will apply the rule you create.

  8. Once satisfied with your rule, select Save.


Preview a rule

After you create a rule, you can download a .TXT file of what products in the catalog the partner(s) that the rule applies to will see.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Products.

  2. From the top navigation bar, select Rules.

  3. Find the rule for which you want to download a preview, then, under Actions, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Preview.

    • A download of the product catalog preview will begin immediately.

Deactivate or delete a rule

Deactivating a product catalog rule will save the contents of the rule, but will not apply the rule to its associated product catalog.

Deleting a product catalog rule will remove it entirely, including all of its contents, from your account. You will not be able to reverse this action.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Products.

  2. From the top navigation bar, select Rules.

  3. Find the rule you want to deactivate/delete, then, under Actions, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → Deactivate/Delete.

    • If you want to Delete the rule, read the warning message, then select I understand, continue.

Condition reference table






The product's assigned ID number within the product catalog.



The product's name.



How the product is described within the product catalog.



Bullet points that quickly describe the product.



Words or phrases that help to locate specific products within the catalog.



The business entity that builds or creates the product.



Link to the product's web store page.



Link to the product's mobile web store page.



Link to the product's image.



How much the product currently costs. Can be different from OriginalPrice if any deals or promotions currently include the product.



How much the product originally costs. Can be different from CurrentPrice if any deals or promotions currently include the product.



If consumers can get a discount on the product, this will be the percentage off of the OriginalPrice that the customer will get.



The 3-digit ISO 4217 external-link-alt-solid.svg code for the currency this product is priced with.



The current status of the product's availability.



The product's Global Trade Item Number external-link-alt-solid.svg.



What group or kind of products with which the item is associated.



Whether or not the item is brand new when it is sold.



Which (if any) gender for whom the item is intended.



What age group the item targets.



Main color(s) of the item.



Primary material(s) that the item is made with/from.



What pattern (if any) exists on the item.



How big the item is.



How much the item weighs.



General text field for any text data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.



General text field for any text data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.



General text field for any text data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.



General numeral field for any money or financial data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.



General numeral field for any money or financial data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.



General numeral field for any money or financial data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.



General numeral field for any numeric data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.



General numeral field for any numeric data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.



General numeral field for any numeric data you want associated with the item. Appears in your reports.

Condition application reference table

Condition application


Exactly Matches

The rule looks for exactly what is typed in the field at the end of the line in a product's details as they are recorded in the catalog. The search will be case- and space-sensitive.

Available only for string conditions.

Matches Any

The rule applies a regular expression (regex) search for what is typed in the field at the end of the line to products in the catalog. Learn more about regular expression external-link-alt-solid.svg. Test a regular expression external-link-alt-solid.svg.

Available only for string conditions.

Starts With

The rule will look for a string of characters at the beginning of each product detail in the catalog.

For example, rules with this condition could look for products that have Black at the beginning of their Color detail.

Available only for string conditions.

Does Not Exactly Match

The rule applies to products for which exactly what is typed in the field at the end of the line does not appear in their catalog detail.. The search will be case- and space-sensitive.

Available only for string conditions.

Is Present

The rule will include all products for which the string of characters can be found anywhere in the product's associated detail.

Available for all conditions.

Is Not Present

The rule will include all products for which the string of characters cannot be found anywhere in the product's associated detail.

Available for all conditions.

Greater Than

The rule will include products for which the number entered at the end of the line is less than the number found in the product's associated detail.

Available for integer and decimal conditions.

Greater Than or Equal To

The rule will include products for which the number entered at the end of the line is less than or equal to the number found in the product's associated detail.

Available for integer and decimal conditions.

Less Than

The rule will include products for which the number entered at the end of the line is greater than the number found in the product's associated detail.

Available for integer and decimal conditions.

Less Than or Equal To

The rule will include products for which the number entered at the end of the line is greater than or equal to the number found in the product's associated detail.

Available for integer and decimal conditions.

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