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Import Referral Program Data from SaaSquatch

This article houses useful references to assist you in importing your referral platform data from SaaSquatch to

CSV file column reference

Users data file




User ID

[Checked box green]

The participant's identifier.

Account ID

[Checked box green]

The participant's account identifier.



The participant's email address.

First Name


The participant's first name.

Last Name


The participant's last name.

Referral Code


The participant's primary program referral code (if specified).

Image URL


The participant's image URL.

First Seen IP


The IP address of the participant the first time they did a non-API upsert.

Last Seen IP


The IP address of the participant the last time they did a non-API upsert.

Date Created


The date this participant user was created, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Email Hash


The MD5 hash value of a participant's email address.



The participant's geographical location.

Country Code


The participant's country code.



The participant's user segments.

Share Link


The participant's primary program (if specified) share link.

Facebook Share Link


The participant's primary program (if specified) Facebook share link.

Twitter Share Link


The participant's primary program (if specified) Twitter/X share link.

Email Share Link


The participant's primary program (if specified) email share link.

LinkedIn Share Link


The participant's primary program (if specified) LinkedIn share link.

Clean Share Link


The participant's primary vanity link without encoding.

Custom Field


If a participant has a custom field, {ExampleName} will be the field name.

Referral data file




Referred User - User ID

[Checked box green]

The referred friend's external user id.

Referred User - Account ID

[Checked box green]

The referred friend's external account id.

Referring User - User ID

[Checked box green]

The customer advocate's external user id.

Referring User - Account ID

[Checked box green]

The customer advocate's external account id.

Referral ID


The referral's unique identifier.

Date Modified


The date the referral was last modified (i.e. started, converted, moderated, etc.), formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Date Referral Started


The date the referral was created, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Date Converted


The date the first goal was achieved, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Date User Modified


The date a user was deleted from a referral (user deletion) or added to a referral, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Program ID


The identifier of the program for which the referral was created.

Program Name


The name of the program for which the referral was created.

Referred User - Email


The referred friend's email address.

Referred User - First Name


The referred friend's first name.

Referred User - Last Name


The referred friend's last name.

Referred User - Referral Code


The referred friend's primary referral code (depends on the program in which this referral was created.

Referred User - First Seen IP


The first IP address the referred friend used when loading a widget.

Referred User - Last Seen IP


The most recent IP address the referred friend used when loading widget.

Referred User - Image URL


The referred friend's image.

Referred User - Locale


The locale of the referred friend.

Referred User - Date Created


The date the referred friend was first seen by SaaSquatch (created in SaaSquatch), formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Referred User - Segments


The referred friend's user segments.



The referred friend's custom fields.

Referring User - Email


The customer advocate's email address.

Referring User - First Name


The customer advocate's first name.

Referring User - Last Name


The customer advocate's last name.

Referring User - Referral Code


The customer advocate's primary referral code (e.g. the referral code used to create this referral).

Referring User - First Seen IP


The first IP address the customer advocate used when loading a widget.

Referring User - Last Seen IP


The most recent IP address the customer advocate used when loading a widget.

Referring User - Image URL


The customer advocate's image.

Referring User - Locale


The locale of the customer advocate's.

Referring User - Date Created


The date the customer advocate was first seen by SaaSquatch (created in SaaSquatch), formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Moderation Status


The referral fraud moderation status (e.g., PENDING, ACTIONED).

Date Moderated


The date the referral started, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Referred User - Reward ID


The referred friend's reward identifier.

Referring User - Reward ID


The customer advocate's reward identifier.

Referrer User - Segments


The customer advocate's user segments.



The customer advocate's custom fields.

Referral Code Used


The customer advocate's referral code that was used for the referral.

Share Link Used


The customer advocate's share link that was used for the referral.

Reward data file




User ID

[Checked box green]

The user's identifier.

Account ID

[Checked box green]

The user's account identifier.



The type of reward, e.g., Credit, Discount, Gift card, etc.

Reward Unit


The unit in which rewards are earned, e.g., Cash, Points, Months, etc.

Reward Value


The numeric value of the reward in its smallest measurement unit, e.g., for a cash reward of $1.00, the value would be 100 (cents).

Reward Name


The name you assigned to the reward when creating it in your program.

USD Value


The value of the reward in USD.

Program ID


The identifier of the program for which the reward was created.

Global Reward Key


Key of the global reward configuration in the reward catalog. This is under Rewards → Catalog → Create rewards → Reward Name.

Reward Source


How the reward was created, e.g., Manual, Referred user, Friend sign up.

Date Created


The date the reward was earned, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Date Given


The date the reward was given, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link]. (This value can differ from Date Created if the reward was pending).

Date Scheduled For


The date the reward was scheduled to be given to the user, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Date Expires


The date after which the reward can no longer be redeemed, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Date Cancelled


The date you cancelled the reward, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Date Modified


The date you made modifications to the reward, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Date Redeemed


The date the full reward was redeemed by the user, formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

Assigned Credit


The amount in the base unit for Credit rewards. This is the equivalent of Reward Value, but for Credit rewards.

Redeemed Amount


The Value of the portion of the reward that was redeemed.

Fuel Tank Type


This can be either Credit or % discount.

Fuel Tank Code


This is like coupon code, e.g., SummerSave20, 20%OFF, etc.

Referred User ID


The user identifier of the referred friend.

Referred Account ID


The identifier of the referred friend's account.


Used in conjunction with Program ID to link a referral to a Program ID, if we want to attach a referral to a reward. This may not always match the User ID.



Used in conjunction with Program ID to link a referral to a Program ID, if we want to attach a referral to a reward. This may not always match the Account ID.

Validation error reference

You can get 3 types of validation errors:

  1. Inline error message: these appear in the preview validation table and cause error rows to be highlighted in red:

    • INVALID_FIELD — e.g., the Date Created field wasn't formatted in milliseconds since unix epoch [External link].

    • MISSING_FIELD — e.g., a required field such as User ID or Account ID is missing.

  2. Error callout: these appear in place of the preview validation table as red warning messages:

    • MISSING_HEADER — e.g., a required column header such as Account ID or Reward Value is missing.

    • CSV_PARSING — e.g., the CSV file contains special characters that are improperly formatted.

    • FILE_REF_IO — e.g., the file is corrupted and can't be read.

  3. Listed errors: these appear as a list of error counts on the Imports & Exports screen when the import type doesn't have a preview validation table. Row errors and file errors will display together:


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