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Opt-in to the Consortium

The Consortium is the highest level of cross-device matching. By opting to use's identity Consortium, you can gain more insight into how your consumers are moving across devices as they move through the conversion path.

All data is anonymized and the identifier that uses to link cross-channel insights is never shared with its users. At no point will share any identifiable data with other brands.

Important: When opting into the Consortium, you agree to share and receive anonymized touchpoints of tracked traffic with other brands—you do not lose ownership of your data.

Opt-in to the Consortium

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the right, under Tracking, select General.

  3. Select Show advanced settings arrow-down-solid.svg.

  4. Next to Identity Matching, select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

  5. Select Opt-in to the Impact consortium.

  6. Select Save.


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