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Set up Program Denied Lists as an Agency

You can manage a partner denied list and an IP denied list for your brand programs.

  • The partner denied list prevents specific partners from applying to your brand's program and contracting with your brand.

  • The IP denied list permits blocking of an individual IP address, or a range of IP addresses, from sending traffic to your brand's program. Use this denied list to block illegitimate traffic, to prevent sources from being credited, or to stop conversions from partners that submit action data from their own IP addresses.

Set up a denied list

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Advertisers.

  2. Next to the brand (formerly advertiser) for which you want to set up a denied list, in the Actions column, select caret-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → View Campaigns.

  3. Under Review, select review.

  4. From here, you have 2 options:

    • Set up a Partner Denied List

    • Set up an IP Denied List

Refer to the sections below to learn how to set up each denied list.

Set up a partner denied list

You should consider setting up a partner denied list if you want to prevent specific partners from applying to this program.

  1. Complete the steps found in Set up a denied list above.

  2. Under Partner Denied List and next to Media Partner Id List, select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

  3. Enter the IDs for the partners you want to be included in this program's denied list. Separate each entry with commas.

    • You can find these IDs by logging into the brand's account, then selecting from the left navigation menu Partners → Partners.

  4. Select Save.

Set up an IP address denied list

You should consider setting up an IP denied list if you want to prevent actions coming from certain IP addresses from being attributed or tracked at all.

  1. Complete the steps found in Set up a denied list above.

  2. Under IP Denied List and next to IP Addresses Denied List select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

  3. Select square-regular.svg [Unchecked box] Suppress events from certain IP addresses.

  4. Select the Policy.



    Block credit for conversions and clicks originating from these addresses

    Conversion data will still be tracked by, and appear in,, but will not credit the partner or source that drove it.

    Expunge conversions and clicks originating from these addresses completely from the system

    No conversion data will be tracked or attributed if it comes from these IP addresses.

  5. Enter the IP addresses you want included in this program's denied list. Separate each entry with commas. You can enter IP addresses in 3 different ways, and your list can contain all 3 ways:

    • Single IP addresses (

    • Range of IP addresses (

    • Block of IP addresses (

  6. Select Save.

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