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Customize the Partner Sign-Up Page

One of the first pages your direct partners will see is the sign-up page. You can manage the styling and content of this page to suit your brand identity.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the right, under Program → Branding, select Partner Sign-Up Page.

  3. Customize your basic page settings. Refer to the table below for instructions.

    Basic sign-up page settings

    Note: Some settings are only available to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!




    Copy the sign-up link that potential partners can use to apply to your program.

    Partner Agreement Terms

    toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Override account-wide Partner Agreement settings if this partner program will have different agreement terms than your account-level settings.

    If you have any questions or concerns about your terms, contact support.


    Select the language you want your branded links to be in from the drop-down menu.


    To include a survey for partners to complete when signing up for your program, toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Ask custom questions, then select a survey you created from the drop-down list.

    Partner verification

    Optionally, screen partners with's Marketplace verification process before they sign up for your program. If the partner passes the vetting process, a check-circle-solid.svg [Checkmark] will appear by their name.

  4. Adjust your page's styling with custom colors for the font, links, buttons, or headings.

    • A live preview of your selections is available in the right-side column.

  5. Optionally, enter custom CSS or page-level settings in the Header. Anything entered here can be previewed by selecting Preview.

    • For example, you can include CSS in the header to style the page according to your website branding.

  6. Adjust the page's Body settings.

    • Logo

      Note: The Logo can only be previewed on this page. If you want to change the logo displayed, you can do so in your Marketplace Profile.

    • Cover image

      • The recommended dimensions are 1350 x 500 pixels

      • The image ratio is 2.7:1

      • Avoid adding text to the image, as it resizes depending on the viewer's device

    • Add a Heading and Description to display to potential partners

  7. Select Preview to view the sign-up page, then Save your changes once you are satisfied.


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