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Manage your Creator Campaigns

On the Campaign Manager screen you'll be able to manage various tasks and view a list of all the campaigns you have active, drafted or completed. To view your campaigns and manage them:

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Campaign Manager → Creator.

  2. On the Campaign Manager screen in the upper-right corner, select the bars-solid.svg [List] view.

    • This will list all of your campaigns according to the Active, Draft, or Completed status you selected from the tabs at the top of the page. See the reference table below for more information on the various columns.

    Column reference table



    Campaign ID

    The unique identifier for the relevant campaign.


    The name of the campaign you are running, have already run or plan to run.

    Social Platforms

    The social media platforms that the campaign will be run on. These platforms are decided through the tasks set for the campaign.

    Example: You might require creators to Publish on Tiktok as one of the tasks, therefore Tiktok will be listed as one of the social platforms.


    The timeframe for content submission. If disabled, creators can submit content until you end your campaign.

    Budget Spent

    View the amount spent on the campaign so far relative to your budget.


    The number of applicants that have applied to join the campaign.


    The number of creators invited to join your campaign.

    In Negotiation

    The number of creators currently negotiating terms before joining the campaign.


    The number of creators that you have hired to partake in your campaign.


    The number of tasks you want all hired creators to complete.

  3. Hover over the campaign you want to manage and select one of the options listed below depending on your campaign's status:

    • For campaigns in an Active status, you can select Manage Campaign.

    • For campaigns in a Drafts status, you can select Edit.

      • This allows you to make further edits to a campaign to complete setup and publish.

    • For campaigns in a Completed status, you can select View performance.

  4. Alternatively, select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [Menu] for further actions to help manage that campaign. See the reference tables below for more details.

    Actions for Active campaigns reference




    Select this option to edit the details and setup of a campaign. See Configure a Creator Campaign for more information.

    Manage Payments

    Select this option if you want to view details of payments or make payments to your Creators. See Manage Creator Campaign Payments for more information.

    Pause New Applications

    Select this option if you want to put a hold on any new application requests to join a certain campaign. See Pause campaign applications for more information.

    Copy Invite Link

    Select this option to copy the campaign invite link to your clipboard. You can manually share this link with new creators. See Manage Creator Campaign Applicants for more information.


    Select this option if you want to mark a campaign as complete. This option will only appear for campaigns in an active status.


    Select this option if you want to make a copy of an existing campaign. See Duplicate a Creator Campaign for more information.

    Actions for Drafts campaigns reference




    Select this option to edit the details and setup of a campaign. See Configure a Creator Campaign for more information.


    Select this option if you want to make a copy of an existing campaign. See Duplicate a Creator Campaign for more information.


    Select this option if you are ready to publish your campaign and set it to an active status.


    Select this option if you no longer want to set up the campaign or have no further need for the draft you created.

    Actions for Completed campaigns reference




    Select this option if you want to make a copy of an existing campaign. See Duplicate a Creator Campaign for more information.

    Manage Campaign

    Select this option if you want to manage further details around the campaign. See Configure a Creator Campaign for more information.


    Select this option if you want to archive the campaign and remove it from the campaign manager screen.


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