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Manage Advocate User Segments

Segmentation is the process of dividing your Advocate program's participants into user segments, or groups, that are based on shared characteristics. By segmenting your participants you can better understand their interests, follow their activity, and more accurately provide value that matches their needs.

Common segmentation criteria include demographic factors like:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Location

  • Job Industry

  • Place of employment

  • Income

Manage user segments

In your Advocate program, you can create new user segments, add individual participants to user segments, add participants to user segments in bulk, and remove participants from user segments.

Step 1: Create a user segment
  1. In the left navigation menu, select Data Sources → Segments.

  2. Select Add Segment.

  3. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name for the segment.

  4. Select Add.

Step 2: Add a single participant to a user segment
  1. In the left navigation menu, select Participants.

  2. Search for the specific participant you want to add to a user segment.

  3. Select their name to load their participant profile.

  4. On the Segments card, select Add Segment.

  5. Choose the user segment you would like to include this participant in.

Step 3: Bulk add participants to a user segment
  1. In the left navigation menu, select Data Sources→ Segments.

  2. Find the name of the segment to which you want to add users.

  3. Hover your cursor over the name of the segment to which you want to add participants and select Add Users.

  4. Choose the import type Users.

  5. Using the example CSV, create a list of all participants you would like to be included in a specific user segment.

  6. Select Select File and choose your prepared CSV file.

  7. Use the dropdown list to select the segment you want to add these participants to.

  8. Select Start Import.

Step 4: Remove a participant from a user segment
  1. In the left navigation menu, select Participants.

  2. Find the specific participant you want to add to a user segment.

  3. Select their name to load their participant profile.

  4. In the bottom left of the user overview, select times-solid.svg [Cancel] to the right of the segment that the participant should no longer be in.

Advocate API and UTT segmentation

The Advocate REST API and UTT Javascript library can also be used to programmatically manage which segments participants are members of.

This functionality can be accessed by including one or more of the following "operations" (a combination of the name of the segment and an operator) in the user object of the API call or UTT method.

You can find further details about using these Operations in our UTT Javascript library and API methods in our User API Documentation.

The following operators are the basis for the user segmentation Operations, which are used to manage which segments a participant is a member of.





Providing just the segment key will attempt to add the participant to the segment. If the participant is already part of the segment, then no action will be taken.



Including the segment key with a ~ in front of it will inform Advocate to remove the participant from the segment. If the participant is already not part of the segment, then no action will be taken.



Including a key, with a ~ in front of it, will inform Advocate to remove the participant from all segments they are currently part of.


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