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Create a Reward

Rewards are used to motivate your customer advocates and their referred friends to take part in your referral program. In your Advocate program, you can select from four basic reward types and then customize them to meet your needs. Rewards can be made available across all of your referral programs (global rewards) or to only one program (program-specific rewards).

Create a global reward

A global reward can be set up once and reused many times. We recommend creating a global reward when:

  • You want the reward to be available across multiple referral programs.

  • The reward has a fixed value or amount.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Rewards → Catalog.

  2. In the upper-right corner, select Create Reward.

  3. Enter a descriptive Reward Name.

  4. Select a Reward Type and follow the setup instructions.

    1. Set the Discount percent.

    2. Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Reward Expiry to set an expiration period on this reward.

      • Expiration periods can be set in of years, months, and/or days.

      • An expiration period is helpful when you want to ensure that rewards are redeemed in a timely manner, e.g., the participant must claim their discount within 3 months of earning the reward.

    3. Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Reward Pending Duration to place the reward into a pending state for a selected period of time.

      • Pending periods can be set in years, months, and/or days.

      • A pending period acts as a safety buffer in case your participant no longer qualifies for the reward, e.g., the reward can be redeemed only after your 14-day return period has ended.

Create a program-specific reward

Program-specific rewards are bound to a single program goal’s action. They are set up when you configure your program rules. We recommend program-specific rewards when:

  • You don’t plan to reuse this reward in other referral programs.

  • You want to issue a reward with a dynamic value, e.g., a reward that’s based on commission.

    • Gift card rewards are an exception. They can only be set up with a static value.

For setup instructions, review the Create a reward section in Configure Your Advocate Program.

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