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Manage Your Partner User Profile

Your member profile, separate from your company profile, holds information like your name, password, and more. Your profile also holds the phone number used for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), which is required for most financial activities.

Edit your profile settings

  1. From the left navigation bar, select your user-circle-solid.svg [Profile Icon].

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select your user-circle-solid.svg [Profile Icon].

  2. Select Edit Profile.

  3. Update the fields you want to change.

  4. Select Save.

Settings references

Basic Info settings

These fields contain sensitive information for your personal account, like your password.



Email Address

The email address used to receive profile notifications and recover your account password.


The password for your account. Never give this out.

Phone Number (2FA)

The phone number used for 2FA when logging into your account, as well as for most financial activities.

Language Locale

The language and dialect used for your account.

Marketplace Email Address

The email address that brands can use to contact you should they want to work with you.

Marketplace Email Forwarding

Choose if you want to hide your email address from brands and receive in-app messages instead.

Newsletter Email Address

The email address where you may receive promotional materials and general updates from partnered brands.

Security settings

This section contains your account 2FA preferences. It is highly recommended to enable 2FA for your account.



Default Verification Method

Select the verification method that should trigger for future sign-ins. You can only select a method from those already enabled.

Authenticator App

Use an app like Microsoft Authenticator to generate a code when signing in.

Text Message

Use your mobile number to receive a code via SMS when signing in.

Email Address

Use your account email address under Basic Info settings to receive a code when signing in.

Devices and Activity

View and remove saved devices to better manage access to your account. Saved devices do not require 2FA every time when signing in.

Public Profile settings

This section is where you can set an alternative email address to receive all email notifications.



Profile Image

This image will appear alongside your contact information.

First Name

Your given name.

Last Name

Your surname.

Work Number

A phone number with which you can be reached during office hours.

Cell Number

An alternative phone number with which you can be reached.

Skype Handle

A handle with which you can be reached for Skype calls.

LinkedIn Profile

A link to your LinkedIn profile.

Private Profile

Toggle whether you want to hide the above profile information in your marketplace listing.

Email opt-in

Toggle whether you want to receive valuable updates from

Email Alerts settings

This section is where you can set an alternative email address to receive all email notifications.



Alternate Email

Another email that notifications will be sent to instead of the account email address supplied under Basic Info settings.

Digest Settings

This section is where you can set your delivery preference for digest emails. These settings will only apply if you have toggled on Email opt-in under your Public Profile settings.



Delivery Time

Set when you want to receive digest emails.

Time Zone

Select which time zone should govern your digest email Delivery Time.

Day of Week

Choose a day of the week on which digest emails should arrive. This is only applicable for Weekly Digest Emails.

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