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Manage Performance Campaign Tasks

You can find task instructions and submit drafts and deliverables according to specified due dates.

  1. From the top navigation menu, select BrandsFind Campaigns.

  2. Select the Participating tab.

  3. Hover over a campaign you are working on, then select Manage Tasks.

    • Alternatively, select a campaign, and from the slideout, alternate between Tasks and Details.

  4. On the My Campaign Tasks screen, you can filter tasks or view task details.

    • Refer to the filter section below.

Filter tasks

You can filter and view specific task details for the tasks assigned to you.

You can filter task statuses by selecting the relevant tab:

  • All tasks: All the tasks assigned to you.

  • Awaiting review: Tasks, including drafts and deliverables, that require a review.

  • Awaiting submission: Tasks already reviewed, that require to be submitted.

  • Not started: Tasks that you haven't started.

  • Completed: All the tasks that have been reviewed and marked as approved.

Task filters



Search bar

Search by the brand or campaign name.

Task Type

Filter your tasks by social network or placement type.


Filter by the specific brand with whom you're partnered.


Filter by specific campaigns you're working on.


Filter by the task's review and approval status:

  • Rejected Deliverable: The final deliverable rejected by the brand.

  • Pending Deliverable: Final deliverable awaiting approval by the brand.

  • Rejected Draft: Draft reviewed and rejected by the brand.

  • Approved Draft: Draft reviewed and approved by the brand and ready to move to final approval.


Filter ongoing tasks by when they must be submitted.

Table reference

Column name


Task Type

View the task type. E.g., Onsite / In App Placements and Ads.


View when the ongoing task must be submitted.


View the brand's logo and name.


View the campaign's name.


View the draft status.


View the deliverable status.

Metrics (Only applicable to tasks related to social platforms)

View the metrics status. In the case that you've not connected your social platform, this is the due date by which you need to send proof of task metrics to the brand.


View the overall task status.

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