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Submit Campaign Tasks on the Mobile App

View and filter tasks

  1. From the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen, select [Compass] [Discover].

  2. From the tabs at the top of the Discover screen, select Campaigns → My Campaigns and open any campaign you're participating in.

  3. To see the campaign's tasks, scroll down and select Manage Tasks.

  4. Optionally, to see specific tasks only, select [Filter] [Filter] in the upper-right corner.

    • You may first want to Clear any pre-applied filters, then select Apply to save your chosen filters:

    Filter option


    Sort By

    Sort tasks in Ascending or Descending order of the date they were launched.


    Filter for tasks in 1 of the following progress statuses:

    • Complete — Deliverables approved by the brand.

    • In Progress — Drafts or deliverables awaiting brand review.

    • Awaiting Deliverable Submission — Tasks awaiting your submission of a deliverable.

    • Not Started — Tasks you haven't started.


    Filter for tasks associated with specific brands by searching for brands and selecting the relevant [Unchecked box] [Check boxes].


    Filter for tasks associated with specific creator campaigns by searching for campaigns and selecting the relevant [Unchecked box] [Check boxes].

    Task Type

    Filter for specific types of task posts by selecting the relevant [Unchecked box] [Check boxes].

  5. Open a campaign task you want to complete.

  6. Review the task detail screen to learn what is required for task completion.



    General description

    This explains the deliverable requirements and provides information about the cadence of posts expected from you, the duration the task will last, and any additional details.

    Tracking link

    Generate a campaign-specific tracking link to measure performance like clicks and conversions.

    Note: This option will only be available if the brand enabled click and conversion tracking and performance payouts for the campaign.

    Branded content [TikTok only]

    For TikTok tasks, use the provided link or code in order to link your post to the campaign and authorize the brand to make an ad out of your content.

    Draft, Deliverable, & Metrics

    • Draft: Show the brand what you propose to post to fulfil task.

    • Deliverable: Upload your final post for the brand to approve once it's live.

    • Metrics: Pull or manually upload your post's performance metrics.

Submit a draft

  1. On the detail screen of any opened task, scroll to the bottom and select [Unchecked box] [Check box] Draft → [Right] [Forward].

  2. Review the draft requirements:

    • Due Date — the date by which your draft must be submitted.

    • Recurring task — whether the task needs to be completed more than once.

    • Number of frames [Instagram & Snapchat only] — how many frames your post should include.

    • Require draft approval — whether the brand must approve your draft you before you can submit the deliverable.

    • Require link in bio — whether you're required to include a link in your bio.

  3. Select Upload, then submit details about what you propose to post via at least 1 of the following methods:

    • Select Choose File and choose a file from your device showing what you propose to post.

    • Enter a Google Drive or Dropbox URL of what you propose to post.

    • Provide Details about how your post meets the requirements of the task.

  4. Include the proposed Caption for your post.

  5. Select Submit.

    • Your draft status will change to Pending Approval.


Submit a deliverable

  1. On the detail screen of any opened task, scroll to the bottom and select [Unchecked box] [Check box] Deliverable → [Right] [Forward].

  2. Upload the deliverable. You may need to:

  3. Select Submit or Submit task.

    • Your task status will change to Pending Approval.


Submit metrics

You'll only need to submit performance metrics for tasks if you don't have social accounts connected to If your accounts are already connected, will pull your post metrics automatically.

  1. Once the brand approves your deliverable, open the task detail, scroll to the bottom and select [Unchecked box] [Check box] Metrics → [Right] [Forward].

  2. Select Choose File and choose a file from your device showing the metrics you received on your social media post.

  3. Fill in the correct statistics for each metric.

  4. Select Submit.

Supported file types
  • doc

  • docx

  • txt

  • pdf

  • jpg

  • jpeg

  • gif

  • mp4

  • mov

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