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Manage Document Settings as an Agency

Your Document Settings are where you manage the details found on the payment request documents received by partners and on your monthly statements.

Manage your document settings

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Finance.

  2. From the left navigation menu, select Settings → Document Settings.

  3. Make the changes you want to make.

    • View the Document settings reference table below for more information on the various fields.

  4. Select Save.

Document settings reference




Always reflect currency code on documents

Select the square-regular.svg [Checkbox] to reflect the currency code in which the payments are made or received.

Include Chinese, Japanese and Korean font on documents

Select the square-regular.svg [Checkbox] to ensure characters and font from the listed languages are shown.

Primary Contact

Select the contact person who should be listed on the generated invoice, forecast summary, and statement. You can select an existing account user contact or add a new one.

Other Contacts

Specify email address(es) that will receive the artifacts according to emailing rules. Invoices

Vendor Code

You can specify your organization's vendor code to ensure that it appears on the invoice.

Email to Finance Contacts

Select the square-regular.svg [Checkbox] if you want to email the invoices to contacts.

Alternate billing address

toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Alternate billing address to specify an alternative billing address other than the default option.

Partner Invoices

Document Title

Select what you want your partner invoice to be called: Tax Invoice or Recipient Created Tax Invoice.

Document Date Reflected

Specify whether the date added to the invoice should be the date it was generated or the last day of the month before.

Due Date Description

This will reflect in the due date section of the partner invoice e.g. "net 45 Days".

Funding Documents

How do you wish to fund your account

Select how you'd like to fund the account, based on invoices or based on upcoming costs.

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