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Report Action Status Descriptions Explained for Partners

Certain reports in will display a Status Detail column for actions.

StatusStatus DetailsDescription
PendingThis action is pending and is awaiting modification, approval, or reversal.
PendingOpenThis action is pending and has an open ended locking schedule. The Brand will submit disposition codes to update the status.
Pending{Custom Disposition}

This action has an open ended locking schedule. The Brand will submit disposition codes to update the status. The Status Details column shows the custom disposition name assigned by the Brand.

ApprovedPayment PendingThis action has been approved and it has locked. We are waiting for the payment scheduling date as stipulated in the contract.
ApprovedPaidThis action has been approved by the Brand and funds have been transferred to your account.
ApprovedOverdueThis action has been approved by the Brand, but the Brand does not have sufficient funds in their account.
ApprovedDefaultedThis action has been approved by the Brand, but the Brand does not have sufficient funds in their account. This status only shows when the Brand account is closed due to excessive delinquency. This is an exception case — you'll need to contact the Brand directly to discuss how to receive your payouts.
Reversed{Reversal Reason}This action has been reversed by the Brand. The reason for the reversal will be displayed in the Status Details column.

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