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Why Was My Order Not Tracked?

From time to time actions and orders that you drive for a Brand do not immediately appear in the platform.

Where is my action?

Depending on how a Brand uploads tracked actions to, there might be a slight delay from when an action occurs to when you'll see it live on Brands can choose to track actions you drive either automatically or manually.

Any actions tracked automatically have a 2+ hour delay from when the action is completed to when it will appear on your account dashboard.

For any actions tracked manually, relies on the Brand’s team to upload the actions to the platform. Since this is a manual process, delays can be expected here. If your brand manually uploads tracked actions, contact them to find out their upload cadence.

What should I do if I drove an action but it is not displaying?

If an action occurs but doesn’t appear on the platform within 48 hours, reach out directly to the Brand as they may be making use of a manual uploading process. Please include an Order ID and any order information that you have available when contacting the brand. If you are a loyalty or cashback partner, create an action inquiry.

Learn how to contact a brand. has the same view of actions that you do, as your partnered brand is responsible for uploading its actions to the platform.

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