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Generate Tracking Links for Performance Campaign Tasks

To measure campaign performance (clicks, conversions), generate a tracking link from the campaign manager tasks. Alternatively, you can generate the same campaign tracking link from the dashboard.

Note: The option to generate a tracking link will only be available if the brand enabled click and conversion tracking and performance payouts for the campaign.

  1. From the top navigation menu, select Brands  → Find Campaigns.

  2. Select the Participating tab.

  3. Hover over the campaign for which you want to get a tracking link and select Manage Tasks.

  4. On the My Campaign Tasks screen, hover over a task and select View Task Details.

  5. Depending on the campaign's tracking link setting, your tracking link will vary based on 1 of 3 settings:

    • Partners drive traffic to landing pages they choose: Manually enter a landing page to which you want to drive traffic.

    • Partners drive traffic to specific landing pages the brand chooses: From the drop-down menu, select a landing page.

    • Partners drive traffic to the brand program's default landing page: The brand's default landing page will be automatically populated and the tracking link will automatically be generated.

  6. Select Create link and [Copy] [Copy] the link.

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