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Brand Dashboard Widgets

The dashboard widgets on the Home screen provide an overview of information about your account as a brand. Learn how to manage your dashboard widgets.

Important: The brand dashboard widgets will only be populated with data if you have the required feature or add-on enabled in your account. If you want to be included in a feature, contact support.


The Snapshot widget shows your campaign trends over a period of time. It can be customized to show a range of different metrics.

  • Above the widget, select the date range from the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] to change the displayed data.

  • Select Show Compare to apply a date range for comparison (e.g., Previous Month).

  • Hover over the snapshot and select [More] [More] to Edit or Remove it.

  • Select one of the metrics (clicks, actions, action cost, revenue, total cost, conversion Rate) to see the related performance metric appear in the line graph.

  • Hover over any peak on the line graph to see the total recorded amount of the selected metric for that day.

Program Goals

The Program Goals widget tracks progress toward configurable goals, like actions per month, clicks per week, or revenue per quarter. Hover over the top-right corner and select [More] [Menu] to edit and track goals.

program goals
Upcoming Deadlines

The Upcoming Deadlines widget displays items such as e.g., ads that will soon expire or contracts set to expire.

Pending Requests

The Pending Requests widget displays tasks or items that require your attention or follow-up, such as New Application, Missing Action Inquiry, Asset Request, and Tracking Value Ad Request.

pending requests
Performance by Partner

The Performance by Partner widget shows a snapshot of your performance reports based on your partners' performance. Hover over the top right corner, select [More] [Menu] to edit the widget, adjust rows, and change metrics. Select View Report for a detailed breakdown.

Pef by partner
Distribution by Partner

The Distribution by Partner widget shows the contributions of your partners by comparison in the form of a bar graph. Select View Report for a more detailed breakdown.

Dis by partner
Performance by Device

The Performance by Device widget provides an overview of how your performance metrics are distributed across different devices. Hover over the top right corner, select [More] [Menu] to edit the widget, adjust rows, and change metrics. Select View Report for a detailed breakdown.

Performance by Ad

The Performance by Ad widget shows a wide range of data related to the ads promoted by your partners. Hover over the top right corner, select [More] [Menu] to edit the widget, adjust rows, and change metrics. Select View Report for a detailed breakdown.

Partner Productivity

The Partner Productivity widget shows the overall distribution of your partners as Dormant, Active, or Productive, with each category represented by percentages to help you assess engagement levels

Operating Systems

The Operating Systems widget shows the overall distribution of your performance across different operating systems, with data displayed in various metrics and percentages. Hover over the top right corner, select [More] [Menu] to edit the widget, adjust rows, and change metrics. Select View Report for a detailed breakdown.

Partner Onboarding

The Partner Onboarding widget shows the overall onboarding stages of your partners (e.g., proposed, joined, productive), with each category represented by percentages to help you assess onboarding progress.


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