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Find & Manage your Deal Types

Once you've created various deal types, you can manage them when they are in one of the following statuses, Active, Pending, or Expired.

Find your deals

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Engage] [Engage] → Content → Deals.

  2. Optionally, search for a deal by ID when you have multiple deals with similar or identical names, as this method provides faster and more accurate results.

    • Select Scope to filter by how specific the deal applied to the store (e.g, Entire Store).

    • Select Status to filter by a specific deal status (e.g., Active).

Manage a deal

Manage your deals by performing actions when they are in one of the following statuses, Active, Pending, or Expired or by refining their columns.

Hover your cursor over a deal you wish to manage and select [Menu] [More].

  • Depending on whether the deal is Active, Pending or Expired, you can perform the following actions.

  • View the Status reference below for more information.

Status reference




  • Edit - Select Edit to modify the deal details, then select Save to apply the changes.

  • Expire - Select Expire, review the warning message, and then select OK to expire the deal.

  • See ads - Select See ads to view any ads associated with the deal.


  • Edit - Select Edit to modify the pending deal details, then select Save to apply the changes.

  • Expire - Select Expire, review the warning message, and then select OK to expire the deal.

  • See ads - Select See ads to view any ads associated with the pending deal.


See ads - Select See ads to view any ads that were associated with the deal.

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