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Manage Your Company Information as an Agency

Your company information supplies the brands and partners you manage with more information about your agency and provides with some necessary tax information.

Manage your company's information

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. Under General, select Company Information.

  3. Find the information you want to update, then select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit] at the right side of the row.

  4. Make your changes.

    • Refer to Company information reference for more information on each section.

  5. Select Save.

Company information reference

There are 4 areas of information that you can manage: Basic Information, Tax information, Addresses, and Contacts.

Basic information




The name of your company.


The URL that leads to your website. Select the URL protocol from the drop-down menu, then enter the domain in the field.

Phone Number

The primary and (optionally) secondary phone number for your company. Select the country/region in which the phone number is registered from the drop-down menu.


The time zone in which has you registered. This cannot be changed.


The currency you selected in your application. This cannot be changed.

Tax information



Indirect Tax Registration

If you're operating your program in a country that levies an indirect tax, you must specify the specific tax and/or country you're registered in.

Warning: Changing this value can affect your account funding, invoicing, and payout scheduling. If you need to make a change, then contact support.

Indirect Tax Number

The indirect tax number associated with your account.

Warning: Changing this value can affect your account funding, invoicing, and payout scheduling. If you need to make a change, then contact support.

Organization Type

The title that best represents what type of organization your company is.

EIN/SSN/Foreign Tax Id

If you are US-based, enter your Employer Identification Number external-link-alt-solid.svg (EIN) or your Social Security Number (SSN).

If you are US-based, but your organization id registered outside the US, enter your Foreign Tax IDexternal-link-alt-solid.svg.

If you are not US-based, enter "n/a" and our financial team will reach out to you if more information is needed.

Additional Tax ID

If necessary, enter another tax ID.

Addresses reference



Corporate Address

The mailing address of your business.

Billing Address

The billing address of your business.

Contacts reference

Designate specialized contacts for your agency account. You can add either an existing account user or a new contact.



Finance Contact

Your company's point of contact for any financial concerns. This person handles anything related to finances, like payments or invoices.

Technical Contact

This person leads the technology implementation for your business.

Commercial Contact

The leader of business dealings for your company. This person handles anything relating to contracts, legal issues, and anything else business related.

Security Contact

This person is your agency's point of contact for matters related to compliance and security policies.

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