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Advocate Analytics Overview Explained has a variety of metrics and analytics available to help you assess the health and success of your Advocate program.

This article explains the analytics Overview page, which offers at-a-glance data across all of your referral programs. For information about program-specific analytics, refer to Advocate Program Analytics Explained.

Note: Referrals that have been marked as fraudulent are excluded from your analytics.

Access the dashboard

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Reporting → Overview.

  2. At the top of the page, select the date range for which you want to view analytics.

  3. Review the Dashboard for insights.


All Time

The All Time section displays some quick figures to help you gauge the overall impact of your program. The figures in this section are not limited to a specific time period.





This figure represents everyone in your Advocate program, including your customer advocates, their referred friends, and imported customers.


This is the number of people who have referred your program by sending out their share link and/or starting a referral.


This is the number of unique referrals started by your customer advocates.

Conversion Rate

This is the percentage of referrals that have completed the conversion goal of your program. acquiring a new customer, like making a qualifying purchase. Your conversion rate is calculated as the number of converted referrals divided by the all-time number of started referrals.


The total value of all purchases made by the referred friend along their referral journey, from the initial referral attribution up to and including the final conversion. The final conversion point is determined by your program goal setup.

All Programs

The All Programs section provides more detailed analytics, graphs and charts, and tables about the performance of all of your Advocate programs. The figures in this section will vary based on the date range you selected at the top of the page.


At the top of the section are additional metrics and statistics. These figures are aggregated across all of your referral programs.

Participants may be counted in more than one metric, dependent on where they are in the referral journey.



Active Advocates

Advocates that have copied and shared their link and/or started a referral within your selected timeframe.

Referred Visitors

The number of unique people who have clicked on an advocate's share links. This includes participants who are part of started and/or converted referrals.

Started Referrals

Referrals that have completed the initial goal of the program.

Example: Your program rules consider a referral to be started when a referred friend clicks on a share link for the first time and signs up for a free trial of your service. When a referred friend does so, they're considered a started referral.

Converted Referrals

Referrals that resulted in a new customer acquisition, as defined by your program goals.

Example: Your program's conversion goal is that a referred friend makes a purchase. The first time a referred friend buys your product or service, they are considered a converted referral.


The total value of all purchases made by referred friends without your selected time period, from the initial referral attribution up to and including the final conversion. The final conversion point is determined by your program goal setup.

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